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Tian LAN


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2022 Vol.23 No.10 P.757-770


Modeling the optimal compensation capacitance of a giant magnetostrictive ultrasonic transducer with a loosely-coupled contactless power transfer system

Author(s):  Tian LAN, Ping-fa FENG, Jian-jian WANG, Jian-fu ZHANG, Hui-lin ZHOU

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   wangjjthu@tsinghua.edu.cn

Key Words:  Rotary ultrasonic machining, Giant magnetostrictive transducer (GMT), Loosely-coupled contactless power transfer (LCCPT), Electromechanical equivalent circuit, Optimal compensation capacitance

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Tian LAN, Ping-fa FENG, Jian-jian WANG, Jian-fu ZHANG, Hui-lin ZHOU. Modeling the optimal compensation capacitance of a giant magnetostrictive ultrasonic transducer with a loosely-coupled contactless power transfer system[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2022, 23(10): 757-770.

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%T Modeling the optimal compensation capacitance of a giant magnetostrictive ultrasonic transducer with a loosely-coupled contactless power transfer system
%A Tian LAN
%A Ping-fa FENG
%A Jian-jian WANG
%A Jian-fu ZHANG
%A Hui-lin ZHOU
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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T1 - Modeling the optimal compensation capacitance of a giant magnetostrictive ultrasonic transducer with a loosely-coupled contactless power transfer system
A1 - Tian LAN
A1 - Ping-fa FENG
A1 - Jian-jian WANG
A1 - Jian-fu ZHANG
A1 - Hui-lin ZHOU
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The giant magnetostrictive rotary ultrasonic processing system (GMUPS) with a loosely-coupled contactless power transfer (LCCPT) has emerged as a high-performance technique for the processing of hard and brittle materials, owing to its high power density. A capacitive compensation is required to achieve the highest energy efficiency of GMUPS to provide sufficient vibration amplitude when it works in the resonance state. In this study, an accurate model of the optimal compensation capacitance is derived from a new electromechanical equivalent circuit model of the GMUPS with LCCPT, which consists of an equivalent mechanical circuit and an electrical circuit. The phase lag angle between the mechanical and electrical circuits is established, taking into account the non-negligible loss in energy conversion of giant magnetostrictive material at ultrasonic frequency. The change of system impedance characteristics and the effectiveness of the system compensation method under load are analyzed. Both idle vibration experiments and machining tests are conducted to verify the developed model. The results show that the GMUPS with optimal compensation capacitance can achieve the maximum idle vibration amplitude and smallest cutting force. In addition, the effects of magnetic conductive material and driving voltages on the phase lag angle are also evaluated.


结论:1.无论是在空载状态下还是在加工过程中,采用最优补偿电容都表现出优越的性能。采用最优补偿电容时,系统可以获得最大振幅,同时在整个加工过程中切削力最小。2. LCCPT的使用和补偿电容的取值对系统的电路特性有显著的影响,而对机械谐振频率的影响很小。电谐振频率更接近机械谐振频率可以提高系统的振动性能。3.系统电回路与机械等效回路之间的相位滞后角导致最小电流频率与机械谐振频率之间存在差异。系统的相位滞后角与系统不必要的功率损耗直接相关。在系统达到磁饱和前,驱动电压对相位滞后角影响不大。导磁结构的材料特性会显著地影响相位滞后角。因此,选择在高频处损耗低的导磁材料可以有效地降低相位滞后角。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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