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Jinju GUO




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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2023 Vol.24 No.12 P.1140-1146


A novel approach for the optimal arrangement of tube bundles in a 1000-MW condenser

Author(s):  Jinju GUO, Taoye YIN, Shuai WANG, Wei CHEN, Peiwang ZHU, Kun LUO, Yun KUANG, Jie LIU, Junjun HUANG, Bing HUO, Hui WANG, Chunlin ZHANG, Jian WANG

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   zjulk@zju.edu.cn

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Jinju GUO, Taoye YIN, Shuai WANG, Wei CHEN, Peiwang ZHU, Kun LUO, Yun KUANG, Jie LIU, Junjun HUANG, Bing HUO, Hui WANG, Chunlin ZHANG, Jian WANG. A novel approach for the optimal arrangement of tube bundles in a 1000-MW condenser[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2023, 24(12): 1140-1146.

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%T A novel approach for the optimal arrangement of tube bundles in a 1000-MW condenser
%A Jinju GUO
%A Taoye YIN
%A Shuai WANG
%A Peiwang ZHU
%A Kun LUO
%A Jie LIU
%A Junjun HUANG
%A Bing HUO
%A Chunlin ZHANG
%A Jian WANG
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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A1 - Jinju GUO
A1 - Taoye YIN
A1 - Shuai WANG
A1 - Wei CHEN
A1 - Peiwang ZHU
A1 - Kun LUO
A1 - Yun KUANG
A1 - Jie LIU
A1 - Junjun HUANG
A1 - Bing HUO
A1 - Hui WANG
A1 - Chunlin ZHANG
A1 - Jian WANG
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.A2300183

As shown in Figs. 1a and 1c, the pressure at the inlet increases by about 50 Pa due to the blocking of the first few rows of tube bundles. To better discuss the heat transfer of each tube, the tube bundle is divided into 10 zones (Condensation01‍–‍Condensation10) from top to bottom, among which Condensation10 is the air-cooling zone. Detailed description can be seen in Section S2 of the ESM. The air-cooling zone is the last section where the water vapor flows out of the tube bundle, and the air extraction port is located in it. Directly upon entering the Condensation01 zone, some of the steam drops in pressure due to condensation. Another part of the steam enters the channels on both sides, and gradually enters the Condensation02‍–Condensation08 zones obliquely downward to condense; then, the pressure gradually decreases by about 100 Pa. Due to the bottom wall being blocked, the pressure in the lower half of the Condensation09 zone is slightly increased, and this phenomenon is more significant for non-uniform tube-bundle arrangements. In the air-cooling zone (Condensation10), the air and uncondensed steam are drawn out at the outlet by the exhaust fan, and the pressure drop is relatively large (about 200 Pa). Regarding the velocity distribution shown in Figs. 1b and 1d, the highest velocity is located at the central channel with different tube-bundle arrangements. Specifically, the highest velocity for the uniform tube-bundle arrangement is about 170 m/s, while it is about 180 m/s for the non-uniform tube-bundle arrangement. The velocity in the channels on both sides decreases gradually and decreases further once the steam passes through the microchannel. The velocity decreases again to 40 m/s at the bottom of the condenser (Condensation09), and the velocity between the tubes in Condensation01‍–‍Condensation09 zones is about 30 m/s. The velocity at Condensation10 in the air-cooling zone is about 70 m/s.


结论:1.本文提出的数值模拟方法,在模拟流动动力学以及1000MW冷凝器内的冷凝过程方面表现出合理的精度。2.当空气质量分数达到约0.001的临界值时,实现气流中空气层的动平衡;低于该临界值,传热系数从4250 W/(m2·K)至155 W/(m2·K),相当于下降96.35%;高于该临界值的区域称为空气积聚区域。3.在额定漏气条件下,均匀管束布置的压降比非均匀管束布置低51.73%;此外,随着空气浓度的增加,传热效率随着空气泄漏量的增加而降低,导致传热系数降低。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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