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Jia-wang CHEN




Xinghui TAN


Shidi JIN


Yuanjie CHEN




Ruiduo YIN


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2024 Vol.25 No.11 P.908-921


Design and performance study on adaptive sealing of a dry cabin for maintenance of submarine pipeline

Author(s):  Jin GUO, Xinghui TAN, Hai ZHU, Jiawang CHEN, Shidi JIN, Yuanjie CHEN, Jie CHEN, Ruiduo YIN

Affiliation(s):  Institute of Ocean Engineering and Technology, Zhejiang University, Zhoushan316021, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   306964154@qq.com

Key Words:  Submarine pipeline, Underwater dry cabin, Silicone airbag, Sealing performance

Jin GUO, Xinghui TAN, Hai ZHU, Jiawang CHEN, Shidi JIN, Yuanjie CHEN, Jie CHEN, Ruiduo YIN. Design and performance study on adaptive sealing of a dry cabin for maintenance of submarine pipeline[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2024, 25(11): 908-921.

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%T Design and performance study on adaptive sealing of a dry cabin for maintenance of submarine pipeline
%A Jin GUO
%A Xinghui TAN
%A Hai ZHU
%A Jiawang CHEN
%A Shidi JIN
%A Yuanjie CHEN
%A Ruiduo YIN
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%P 908-921
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%D 2024
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.A2300507

T1 - Design and performance study on adaptive sealing of a dry cabin for maintenance of submarine pipeline
A1 - Jin GUO
A1 - Xinghui TAN
A1 - Hai ZHU
A1 - Jiawang CHEN
A1 - Shidi JIN
A1 - Yuanjie CHEN
A1 - Jie CHEN
A1 - Ruiduo YIN
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The underwater dry maintenance method based on a dry cabin can achieve the same maintenance quality provided on land. The establishment of a reliable seal between the dry cabin and the pipe is a prerequisite for the formation of a dry environment. In this paper, an airbag is proposed as the means to seal the dry cabin. ABAQUS finite element software was used to study the influence of the physical characteristics of the airbag on deformation characteristics and sealing performance. We also studied the adaptive sealing mechanism of the airbag under the time-varying gap condition. The simulation results show that the peak contact stress of the airbag is close to the gas pressure, so the hardness and thickness of the airbag have little effect on it. Under time-varying gap conditions, the required inflation pressure increases with the size of the gap. The simulated relationship between the gap and the inflation pressure can be referred to in order to guide the control of the air pressure of the airbag during actual operation. Finally, the similarity between the test results and simulation results demonstrates the accuracy of the simulation results.


结论:1.在满足密封的前提下,矩形截面安全气囊的米塞斯应力最小,可以提高安全气囊运行的安全性。2.安全气囊的接触应力峰值与气压大小接近,因此安全气囊的硬度对接触应力峰值几乎没有影响;硬度对安全气囊的米塞斯应力有轻微影响。3.厚气囊产生的接触应力更大,因此密封性能随着壁厚的增加而提高;随着壁厚的增加,气囊的变形程度减小,气囊的米塞斯应力呈下降趋势;但是,大的壁厚导致气囊的延展性较差,且气囊膨胀所能填充的间隙较小。4.在间隙时变条件下,随着间隙的增大,所需的气体压力也随之增大;米塞斯应力峰值随气囊膨胀量的增加而增加,且趋势与气体压力的趋势相似;间隙与气压之间的模拟关系可以指导干式座舱实际运行时安全气囊气压的控制。5.气囊膨胀试验结果与模拟结果的最大差值仅0.4 mm,且气囊压力结果与模拟结果的最大差值仅3.0%,这表明利用ABAQUS可以准确研究气囊的充气变形和密封特性。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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