CLC number: S811.3
On-line Access: 2024-08-27
Received: 2023-10-17
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Bin Li, Jin-Qiu Zhang, Xian-Gan Han, Zheng-Lei Wang, Yuan-Yuan Xu, Jin-Feng Miao. Macleaya cordata helps improve the growth-promoting effect of chlortetracycline on broiler chickens[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2018, 19(10): 776-784.
@article{title="Macleaya cordata helps improve the growth-promoting effect of chlortetracycline on broiler chickens",
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%T Macleaya cordata helps improve the growth-promoting effect of chlortetracycline on broiler chickens
%A Bin Li
%A Jin-Qiu Zhang
%A Xian-Gan Han
%A Zheng-Lei Wang
%A Yuan-Yuan Xu
%A Jin-Feng Miao
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B
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%N 10
%P 776-784
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%D 2018
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.B1700435
T1 - Macleaya cordata helps improve the growth-promoting effect of chlortetracycline on broiler chickens
A1 - Bin Li
A1 - Jin-Qiu Zhang
A1 - Xian-Gan Han
A1 - Zheng-Lei Wang
A1 - Yuan-Yuan Xu
A1 - Jin-Feng Miao
J0 - Journal of Zhejiang University Science B
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%@ 1673-1581
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.B1700435
Abstract: chlortetracycline (CTC), one kind of common antibiotic for prevention and treatment of various diseases, also exhibits good performance in accelerating the growth of livestock. Macleaya cordata, a traditional Chinese medicine, is usually used as a natural additive in livestock because of its anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and pesticidal activity. In this work, we studied whether M. cordata helps regulate the growth-promoting effect of CTC on broiler chickens. It is demonstrated that M. cordata improves the growth-promoting effect of CTC on growth performance indices of broiler chickens, such as survival rate, daily weight, and feed to weight rate. M. cordata also delays the maximum of CTC residues in plasma. It may depend on the higher values of operational taxonomic unit (OTU) and the indices of α diversity driven by simultaneous use of CTC and M. cordata.
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[42]List of electronic supplementary materials
[43]Table S1 Mobile phase of HPLC-MS/MS
[44]Table S2 Chromatographic parameters of HPLC-MS/MS
[45]Table S3 Mass spectrometry parameters of HPLC-MS/MS
[46]Table S4 Mass spectrometry parameters of qualitative and quantitative ion pair in HPLC-MS/MS
[47]Fig. S1 Standard curve and peak figures
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