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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B 2019 Vol.20 No.7 P.576-587


Improvement in post-partum uterine involution in rats treated with Apios americana

Author(s):  Zi-Huan Zheng, Ying Han, Shi-Ying You, Zuo Chen, Xiao-Dong Zheng

Affiliation(s):  College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   xdzheng@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Apios americana, Uterine involution, Cytokine, Matrix metalloproteinase

Zi-Huan Zheng, Ying Han, Shi-Ying You, Zuo Chen, Xiao-Dong Zheng. Improvement in post-partum uterine involution in rats treated with Apios americana[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2019, 20(7): 576-587.

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%T Improvement in post-partum uterine involution in rats treated with Apios americana
%A Zi-Huan Zheng
%A Ying Han
%A Shi-Ying You
%A Zuo Chen
%A Xiao-Dong Zheng
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B
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T1 - Improvement in post-partum uterine involution in rats treated with Apios americana
A1 - Zi-Huan Zheng
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A1 - Shi-Ying You
A1 - Zuo Chen
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Objective: Apios americana, a plant used as a staple ingredient of native American diets, has various properties, including anti-cancer, anti-hyperglycemic, hypotensive, and anti-inflammatory activity. In Japan, Apios is used as a post-natal medication. After parturition, women undergo a period of recovery as they return to pre-pregnancy conditions. However, few health products that aid post-partum recovery are on the market. We explored whether Apios can accelerate the post-partum recovery process, in particular the involution of the uterus. Methods: Female rats kept in individual cages were mated with two male rats, with the exception of the control group (female rats without mating, on basal diet; n=6). After delivery, rats were divided into five groups based on their diet: basal diet (model; n=6); basal diet+oral intake at 5.4 g/kg of Chanfukang granules (a Chinese patent medicine preparation for post-partum lochia) (positive; n=6); basal diet containing 10% Apios powder (low; n=6); basal diet containing 20% Apios powder (medium; n=6); basal diet containing 40% Apios powder (high; n=6). Five days later, uteri and spleens were weighed. Uterus and spleen indices for each rat were calculated by dividing visceral weight by the total weight. Hormone and cytokine concentrations were measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Histological analysis of uteri was completed using hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. Expression of matrix metalloproteinases and inhibitors in uteri was measured by western blotting. Results: Our results showed that Apios treatment reduced the post-partum uterus index and regulated the hormone concentrations. Moreover, we found that the process of uterine involution was accelerated, based on morphological changes in the uterus. In addition, our results indicated that Apios alleviated the inflammatory response induced by the involution process. Transforming growth factor β was also found to be regulated by Apios. There were significant downregulation of matrix metalloproteinases and upregulation of their inhibitors by Apios, which suggested that Apios increased the rate of the collagen clearance process. Conclusions: These results, based on experimental observations at the molecular and protein levels, verified our hypothesis that Apios can improve uterine involution, and demonstrated the potential application of Apios in post-partum care.


目的:研究美国豆芋(Apios americana)对产后恢复过程,特别是子宫复旧的影响.
方法:将雌雄大鼠配种交配,对照组除外(没有交配的雌性大鼠,基础日粮,n=6).分娩后,将雌性大鼠分为五组:基础饮食(模型组,n=6);基础饮食+灌胃给药5.4 g/kg的产妇康颗粒(阳性组,n=6);含10%豆芋粉末的基础日粮(低剂量组,n=6);含20%豆芋粉末的基础日粮(中剂量组,n=6);含40%豆芋粉末的基础日粮(高剂量组,n=6).实验结束后,称量子宫和脾脏质量,计算子宫和脾脏指数.并测量血清内激素和细胞因子水平,研究子宫的组织病理学变化,检测基质金属蛋白酶和抑制剂在子宫中的表达.


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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