Deep search:Searching for "Heng-gui Zhang" in 'AUTHORGot 2 items.
index Title
1Mathematical models of canine right and left atria cardiomyocytes
Author(s):Ling Xia, Ying-lan Gong, Xiu-wei Z...  Clicked:6065  Download:3004  Cited:0  <Full Text>
Journal of Zhejiang University Science B  2010 Vol.11 No.6 P.402-416  DOI:10.1631/jzus.B0900346
2Simulation of biatrial conduction via different pathways during sinus rhythm with a detailed human atrial m...
Author(s):Dong-dong Deng, Ying-lan Gong, Guo...  Clicked:8341  Download:3922  Cited:4  <Full Text>
Journal of Zhejiang University Science B  2012 Vol.13 No.9 P.676-694  DOI:10.1631/jzus.B1100339
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