Deep search:Searching for "Jie Gao" in 'AUTHORGot 7 items.
index Title
1Effects of over-expressing resistin on glucose and lipid metabolism in mice
Author(s):You LIU, Qun WANG, Ying-bin PAN, Z...  Clicked:7244  Download:3573  Cited:6  <Full Text>
Journal of Zhejiang University Science B  2008 Vol.9 No.1 P.44-50  DOI:10.1631/jzus.B071479
2Evaluation of the hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of Rubus parvifolius L.
Author(s):Jie Gao, Cui-rong Sun, Jie-hong Ya...  Clicked:5911  Download:3331  Cited:10  <Full Text>
Journal of Zhejiang University Science B  2011 Vol.12 No.2 P.135-142  DOI:10.1631/jzus.B1000117
3Adsorption of methylene blue onto activated carbon produced from tea (Camellia sinensis L.) seed she...
Author(s):Jun-jie Gao, Ye-bo Qin, Tao Zhou, ...  Clicked:6494  Download:3607  Cited:14  <Full Text>
Journal of Zhejiang University Science A  2013 Vol.14 No.7 P.650-658  DOI:10.1631/jzus.B12a0225
4In vitro antioxidant activity and potential inhibitory action against α-glucosidase of polysac...
Author(s):Yue-fei Wang, Jie Wang, Jing Wu, P...  Clicked:10054  Download:3855  Cited:6  <Full Text>  <PPT> 2259
Journal of Zhejiang University Science B  2014 Vol.15 No.2 P.173-180  DOI:10.1631/jzus.B1300186
5Scalability and efficiency challenges for the exascale supercomputing system: practice of a parallel suppor...
Author(s):Xiaobin HE, Xin CHEN, Heng GUO, Xi...  Clicked:2491  Download:8060  Cited:0  <Full Text>  <PPT> 513
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2023 Vol.24 No.1 P.41-58  DOI:10.1631/FITEE.2200412
6Enhancement in the Hg0 oxidation efficiency and sulfur resistance of CuCl2-modified M...
Author(s):Shujie GAO, Yongjin HU, Zhichang J...  Clicked:1309  Download:826  Cited:0  <Full Text>  <PPT> 253
Journal of Zhejiang University Science A  2024 Vol.25 No.8 P.680-686  DOI:10.1631/jzus.A2300276
7Drug-assisted synthesis of copper nanoparticles and their induction of cuproptosis and necrosis for breast-...
Author(s):Yuewen WANG1, Jingjie G...  Clicked:63  Download:46  Cited:0  <Full Text>
Journal of Zhejiang University Science B  1998 Vol.-1 No.-1 P.  DOI:10.1631/jzus.B2400163
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