Deep search:Searching for "Jie HE" in 'AUTHORGot 6 items.
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1Research on ethanol synthesis from syngas
Author(s):Jie HE, Wen-nan ZHANG  Clicked:6626  Download:5233  Cited:23  <Full Text>
Journal of Zhejiang University Science A  2008 Vol.9 No.5 P.714-719  DOI:10.1631/jzus.A071417
2Detecting P2P bots by mining the regional periodicity
Author(s):Yong Qiao, Yue-xiang Yang, Jie He,...  Clicked:8963  Download:3781  Cited:4  <Full Text>  <PPT> 3370
Journal of Zhejiang University Science C  2013 Vol.14 No.9 P.682-700  DOI:10.1631/jzus.C1300053
3Anatomical studies of ovule development in the post-bloom pistils of the ‘Zuili’ plum (Pru...
Author(s):Hui-juan Jia, Xia Yang, Feng-jie H...  Clicked:4415  Download:2936  Cited:1  <Full Text>
Journal of Zhejiang University Science B  2013 Vol.14 No.9 P.800-806  DOI:10.1631/jzus.B1200333
4Fine-grained P2P traffic classification by simply counting flows
Author(s):Jie He, Yue-xiang Yang, Yong Qiao,...  Clicked:7369  Download:3099  Cited:2  <Full Text>  <PPT> 2136
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2015 Vol.16 No.5 P.391-403  DOI:10.1631/FITEE.1400267
5A novel time-span input neural network for accurate municipal solid waste incineration boiler steam tempera...
Author(s):Qin-xuan Hu, Ji-sheng Long, Shou-k...  Clicked:5021  Download:3081  Cited:0  <Full Text>  <PPT> 1575
Journal of Zhejiang University Science A  2021 Vol.22 No.10 P.777-791  DOI:10.1631/jzus.A2000529
6Molding of polyether ether ketone (PEEK) and its composites: a review
Author(s):Zhengchuan GUO, Junjie HE, Ruoxian...  Clicked:1131  Download:794  Cited:0  <Full Text>  <PPT> 118
Journal of Zhejiang University Science A  2024 Vol.25 No.10 P.788-823  DOI:10.1631/jzus.A2400004
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