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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B

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Genomic insights into the diversity of rice cultivars developed in Heilongjiang Province of China

Author(s):  Yuhan ZHOU, Naixin LIU, Jiaqi YANG, Baicui CHEN, Chengxin LI, Fanshan BU, Sanling WU, Ziqi ZHOU, Qingtao YU, Qingyao SHU

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology & Breeding, Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Crop Germplasm Innovation and Utilization, The Advanced Seed Institute, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China; more

Corresponding email(s):  qyshu@zju.edu.cn, 13694509962@139.com

Key Words:  Japonica rice; Heilongjiang; Genomic diversity; Rice breeding

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Yuhan ZHOU, Naixin LIU, Jiaqi YANG, Baicui CHEN, Chengxin LI, Fanshan BU, Sanling WU, Ziqi ZHOU, Qingtao YU, Qingyao SHU. Genomic insights into the diversity of rice cultivars developed in Heilongjiang Province of China[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B,in press.Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering,in press.https://doi.org/10.1631/jzus.B2400339

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%A Naixin LIU
%A Jiaqi YANG
%A Baicui CHEN
%A Chengxin LI
%A Fanshan BU
%A Sanling WU
%A Ziqi ZHOU
%A Qingtao YU
%A Qingyao SHU
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Amid the fast increase of global population and the quest for sustainable agriculture, the need for enhanced rice breeding strategies has become increasingly pronounced, particularly in Heilongjiang, China's foremost rice-producing province, renowned for its premium temperate japonica rice. Here, we conducted an extensive genomic investigation of the elite rice cultivars developed in Heilongjiang Province. Using whole-genome re-sequencing of a total of 376 representative cultivars from Heilongjiang, of which 14 were developed by a single research group, we identified 4.9 million SNPs and 0.98 million InDels, offering a comprehensive perspective on genetic diversity and population structure. We classified the 376 rice cultivars into five subgroups based on their breeding years. Recently bred cultivars, assigned to subgroups HLJ-IV-1 and HLJ-IV-2, showed notable genetic differentiation. Through a selective sweep analysis, significant genomic variation in genes such as OsACBP5, Os4CL5, and GFR1 was pinpointed, reflecting a concerted effort in selecting for broad-spectrum disease resistance and enhanced tillering capacity. Furthermore, to identify the strengths and areas for improvement within those series, we conducted an exhaustive analysis of aromatic compounds and their corresponding genes OsODC and OsBadh2, as well as the the advantageous long-grain gene OsGL3.1 haplotype within Hagengdao7. Additionally, strategies for reducing plant height through the introduction of the sd1 gene were elucidated. With a commitment to expediting the development of superior rice cultivars, our discoveries are poised to raise the sensory attributes and nutritional profile of rice, thereby bolstering the resilience and sustainability of global food systems.

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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