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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 

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A parasitic coupling network concept for mutual coupling utilization in wideband multielement antenna arrays*#

Author(s):  Xiaojun ZOU, Guangming WANG, Yawei WANG, Wei SONG, Hang ZHU, Ming TAN, Xuguang XU, Guoqin KANG, Binfeng ZONG

Affiliation(s):  College of Information and Communication, National University of Defense Technology, Wuhan 430035, China; more

Corresponding email(s):  zouxj0606@163.com, zongbinfeng@163.com

Key Words:  Active reflection coefficient (ARC); Antenna array; Parasitic coupling network (PCN); Scanning array; Wideband

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Xiaojun ZOU, Guangming WANG, Yawei WANG, Wei SONG, Hang ZHU, Ming TAN, Xuguang XU, Guoqin KANG, Binfeng ZONG. A parasitic coupling network concept for mutual coupling utilization in wideband multielement antenna arrays*#[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering,in press.https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2300742

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%A Xiaojun ZOU
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%A Yawei WANG
%A Hang ZHU
%A Ming TAN
%A Xuguang XU
%A Guoqin KANG
%A Binfeng ZONG
%J Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
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A1 - Wei SONG
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A novel approach to widening the active reflection coefficient (ARC) bandwidth of an antenna array, employing a parasitic coupling network (PCN), is investigated in this article. Different from traditional coupled arrays adopting space structures for enhancing the coupling in balanced-excitation antennas, a PCN derived from rigorous formulas is employed in the feeding lines of unbalanced-excitation ones. Based on a network analysis, the mutual coupling utilization condition for an (M×N)-element antenna array is initially deduced, and the PCN is implemented. Then, the PCN is realized by introducing a parasitic element and a coupling network between both the two-element H-plane and E-plane dual-layer coupled microstrip antenna arrays, resulting in 10.9% and 30.8% bandwidth enhancements compared with the original arrays, respectively. Moreover, the PCN is further expanded to multielement antenna arrays, including three- and five-element one-dimensional and 8×2 two-dimensional arrays, all exhibiting ~40% overlapped ARC bandwidths with normal radiation patterns, steady gains, and applicable scanning characteristics. The results indicate its potential application in wideband large-scale arrays.

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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