Current Issue: <JZUS-A>

Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering)

ISSNs 1673-565X (Print); 1862-1775 (Online); CN 33-1236/O4; started in 2000,Monthly.

JZUS-A is a peer-reviewed physical and engineering journal, indexed by SCI-E, Ei Compendex, INSPEC, CA, SA, JST, AJ, ZM, CABI, ZR, CSA, etc. It mainly covers research in Applied Physics, Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Environmental Science and Energy, Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, etc.

Impact factor: 0.408 (2011), 0.527 (2012), 0.608 (2013), 0.882 (2014), 0.941 (2015), 1.214 (2016), 1.215 (2017), 1.369 (2018).

Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A

ISSN 1673-565X(Print), 1862-1775(Online), Monthly

<<<                         CONTENTS                         >>>

Applied Physics & Chemical Engineering

Studies of ultrasonic dehydration efficiency

Vladimir N. Khmelev, Andrey V. Shalunov, Roman V. Barsukov, Denis S. Abramenko, Andrey N. Lebedev

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A1000155 Downloaded: 3076 Clicked: 4853 Cited: 8 Commented: 0(p.247-254) <Full Text>

Physical properties of the junction of scandium and carbon nanotubes

Fang Lin

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A1000258 Downloaded: 2713 Clicked: 5434 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.255-259) <Full Text>

Determination of particle size distribution by multi-scale analysis of acoustic emission signals in gas-solid fluidized bed

Cong-jing Ren, Jing-dai Wang, Di Song, Bin-bo Jiang, Zu-wei Liao, Yong-rong Yang

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A1000396 Downloaded: 3642 Clicked: 6033 Cited: 6 Commented: 0(p.260-267) <Full Text>

Mechanical & Civil Engineering

Consolidation solution for composite foundation considering a time- and depth-dependent stress increment along with three distribution patterns of soil permeability

Meng-meng Lu, Kang-he Xie, Chuan-xun Li, Kun Wang

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A0900661 Downloaded: 3048 Clicked: 6251 Cited: 6 Commented: 0(p.268-277) <Full Text>

Large eddy simulation for wind field analysis based on stabilized finite element method

Cheng Huang, Yan Bao, Dai Zhou, Jin-quan Xu

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A1000114 Downloaded: 3026 Clicked: 7338 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.278-290) <Full Text>

A destructive field study on the behavior of piles under tension and compression

Zhong-miao Zhang, Qian-qing Zhang, Feng Yu

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A1000253 Downloaded: 3513 Clicked: 8239 Cited: 20 Commented: 0(p.291-300) <Full Text>

Output speed and flow of double-acting double-stator multi-pumps and multi-motors

De-sheng Wen, Zhi-li Wang, Jun Gao, Yong Zhang, Shi-jun Lv, Tetsuhiro Tsukiji

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A1000405 Downloaded: 3139 Clicked: 7690 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.301-309) <Full Text>

Geometry of screw compressor rotors and their tools

Nikola Stosic, Ian K. Smith, Ahmed Kovacevic, Elvedin Mujic

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A1000393 Downloaded: 6144 Clicked: 5091 Cited: 10 Commented: 0(p.310-326) <Full Text>

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