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Bio-Design and Manufacturing  2025 Vol.8 No.1 P.134-149


Experimental research and clinical application of selective laser melting Ta bone plates



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Key Words:  Ta, selective laser melting, chemical vapor deposition, osseointegration, bone plate

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tantalum (ta) is widely used as a bone implant material in clinical settings. ta is highly stable and biocompatible in vivo, and it is one of the metallic biomaterials with the highest affinity for bone tissue. taa refractory metallimits its application as a bone implant material. The advent of additive manufacturing (AM) technology provides a new method for fabricating ta implants. The present study compared the microstructure, surface properties, mechanical properties, and in vitro and in vivo biological properties of selective laser melting ta (SLM ta), selective laser melting Ti6Al4V with a ta coating (SLM Ti6Al4V with a ta coating), and selective laser melting Ti6Al4V (SLM Ti6Al4V). SLM ta has better comprehensive mechanical properties than SLM Ti6Al4V and SLM Ti6Al4V with a ta coating. SLM ta has anti-inflammatory activity, excellent osseointegration performance, and osteogenic bioactivity. We fabricated an SLM porous ta bone plate through SLM and applied it for internal fixation of ulna and radius fractures. SLM porous ta bone plate has been found to promote fracture healing. Meanwhile, the SLM porous ta bone plate could form an integrated bone-plate structure with the bone tissue at the implanted site. Without the need for secondary surgical removal, the porous structure reduces the elastic modulus of the plate and prevents stress shielding. SLM porous ta bone plate meets the performance requirements of an ideal bone plate and is expected to be a new generation of internal fixation bone plates for fracture.

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