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Received: 2013-04-05

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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2013 Vol.14 No.9 P.631-641


Multi-objective optimization design method of the high-speed train head*

Author(s):  Meng-ge Yu, Ji-ye Zhang, Wei-hua Zhang

Affiliation(s):  . State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China

Corresponding email(s):   yumengge0627@163.com

Key Words:  High-speed train, Multi-objective optimization, Parametric model, Aerodynamic drag, Load reduction factor

Meng-ge Yu, Ji-ye Zhang, Wei-hua Zhang. Multi-objective optimization design method of the high-speed train head[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2013, 14(9): 631-641.

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%T Multi-objective optimization design method of the high-speed train head
%A Meng-ge Yu
%A Ji-ye Zhang
%A Wei-hua Zhang
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%P 631-641
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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T1 - Multi-objective optimization design method of the high-speed train head
A1 - Meng-ge Yu
A1 - Ji-ye Zhang
A1 - Wei-hua Zhang
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With the continuous improvement of the train speed, the dynamic environment of trains turns out to be aerodynamic domination. Solving the aerodynamic problems has become one of the key factors of the high-speed train head design. Given that the aerodynamic drag is a significant factor that restrains train speed and energy conservation, reducing the aerodynamic drag is thus an important consideration of the high-speed train head design. However, the reduction of the aerodynamic drag may increase other aerodynamic forces (moments), possibly deteriorating the operational safety of the train. The multi-objective optimization design method of the high-speed train head was proposed in this paper, and the aerodynamic drag and load reduction factor were set to be optimization objectives. The automatic multi-objective optimization design of the high-speed train head can be achieved by integrating a series of procedures into the multi-objective optimization algorithm, such as the establishment of 3D parametric model, the aerodynamic mesh generation, the calculation of the flow field around the train, and the vehicle system dynamics. The correlation between the optimization objectives and optimization variables was analyzed to obtain the most important optimization variables, and a further analysis of the nonlinear relationship between the key optimization variables and the optimization objectives was obtained. After optimization, the aerodynamic drag of optimized train was reduced by up to 4.15%, and the load reduction factor was reduced by up to 1.72%.

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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