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Hao Zhou


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2015 Vol.16 No.4 P.301-310


An efficient quadrature demodulator for medical ultrasound imaging

Author(s):  Hao Zhou, Yin-fei Zheng

Affiliation(s):  MOE Key Laboratory for Biomedical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China

Corresponding email(s):   bmezhou@zju.edu.cn, zyfnjupt@126.com

Key Words:  B-mode ultrasound imaging, Color flow imaging, Quadrature demodulation, Finite impulse response filter

Hao Zhou, Yin-fei Zheng. An efficient quadrature demodulator for medical ultrasound imaging[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2015, 16(4): 301-310.

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T1 - An efficient quadrature demodulator for medical ultrasound imaging
A1 - Hao Zhou
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quadrature demodulation is used in medical ultrasound imaging to derive the envelope and instantaneous phase of the received radio-frequency (RF) signal. In quadrature demodulation, RF signal is multiplied with the sine and cosine wave reference signal and then low-pass filtered to produce the base-band complex signal, which has high computational complexity. In this paper, we propose an efficient quadrature demodulation method for B-mode and color flow imaging, in which the RF signal is demodulated by a pair of finite impulse response filters without mixing with the reference signal, to reduce the computational complexity. The proposed method was evaluated with simulation and in vivo experiments. From the simulation results, the proposed quadrature demodulation method produced similar normalized residual sum of squares (NRSS) and velocity profile compared with the conventional quadrature demodulation method. In the in vivo color flow imaging experiments, the time of the demodulation process was 5.66 ms and 3.36 ms, for the conventional method and the proposed method, respectively. These results indicated that the proposed method can maintain the performance of quadrature demodulation while reducing computational complexity.

This paper proposes an quadrature demodulation method for medical ultrasound imaging. The idea is to combing mixing and low-pass filtering by adjusting using appropriate initial phase of the reference signals. The advantage of this method is lower computational cost without quality reduction. Computer simulation and in vivo experiments demonstrate the efficacy of this method. This paper is well written and organized.


方法:1.针对正交解调表达式特点,将混频操作与低通滤波操作相融合,从而提升正交解调运算效率(图1b);2.利用有限冲激响应滤波器系数对称特性,设计系数对称的解调滤波器(图2);3.进行仿真与在体(in vivo)实验,评估正交解调器效率与精度。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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