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Sheng-chao Deng


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2017 Vol.18 No.7 P.867-881


Nonlinear programming control using differential aerodynamic drag for CubeSat formation flying

Author(s):  Sheng-chao Deng, Tao Meng, Zhong-he Jin

Affiliation(s):  College of Information Science and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   dscsd0131@163.com, mengtao@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  QB50, ZJUCubeSat, Atmospheric drag, Formation flying

Sheng-chao Deng, Tao Meng, Zhong-he Jin. Nonlinear programming control using differential aerodynamic drag for CubeSat formation flying[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2017, 18(7): 867-881.

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%T Nonlinear programming control using differential aerodynamic drag for CubeSat formation flying
%A Sheng-chao Deng
%A Tao Meng
%A Zhong-he Jin
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%P 867-881
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A1 - Tao Meng
A1 - Zhong-he Jin
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Because of their volume and power limitation, it is difficult for CubeSats to configure a traditional propulsion system. atmospheric drag is one of the space environmental forces that low-orbit satellites can use to realize orbit adjustment. This paper presents an integrated control strategy to achieve the desired in-track formation through the atmospheric drag difference, which will be used on ZJUCubeSat, the next pico-satellite of Zhejiang University and one of the participants of the international QB50 project. The primary mission of the QB50 project is to explore the near-Earth thermosphere and ionosphere at the orbital height of 90–300 km. atmospheric drag cannot be ignored and has a major impact on both attitude and orbit of the satellite at this low orbital height. We conduct aerodynamics analysis and design a multidimensional nonlinear constraint programming (MNLP) strategy to calculate different desired area–mass ratios and corresponding hold times for orbit adjustment, taking both the semimajor axis and eccentricity into account. In addition, area–mass ratio adjustment is achieved by pitch attitude maneuver without any deployable mechanism or corresponding control. Numerical simulation based on ZJUCubeSat verifies the feasibility and advantage of this design.


概要:立方星由于体积和功率限制,难以配置传统的推进系统以实现编队飞行。而大气阻力是低轨卫星可以用于轨道调整的空间环境动力之一。本文提出一种通过大气阻力实现轨道面内沿迹跟飞编队的综合策略,并将用于浙江大学下一颗皮纳卫星(该卫星是国际QB50项目成员之一)。QB50项目主要任务是90-300 km高度近地大气层探测。在这一轨道高度,大气阻力对卫星姿态和轨道的影响均不能忽略。本文通过空气动力学分析,同时考虑大气阻力对轨道半长轴和偏心率的影响,设计了一种多维非线性约束规划策略,以计算实现编队所需的卫星之间不同的目标面质比和相应的轨道调整保持时间。此外,通过俯仰姿态机动调整目标面质比。该算法策略无需卫星配置任何展开机构。基于ZJU CubeSat的数值仿真验证了这一设计的可行性和优势。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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