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Imre Horváth


Shahab Pourtalebi


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2016 Vol.17 No.9 P.862-884


Information schema constructs for defining warehouse databases of genotypes and phenotypes of system manifestation features

Author(s):  Shahab Pourtalebi, Imre Horváth

Affiliation(s):  Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Landbergstraat 15, 2628 CE Delft, Zuid Holland, the Netherlands

Corresponding email(s):   s.pourtalebihendehkhaleh@tudelft.nl, i.horvath@tudelft.nl

Key Words:  Cyber-physical systems, Software toolbox, Pre-embodiment design, System manifestation features (SMFs), Warehouses, Database schemata, SMF genotypes, SMF phenotypes, SMF instances, Information schema constructs

Shahab Pourtalebi, Imre Horváth. Information schema constructs for defining warehouse databases of genotypes and phenotypes of system manifestation features[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2016, 17(9): 862-884.

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%T Information schema constructs for defining warehouse databases of genotypes and phenotypes of system manifestation features
%A Shahab Pourtalebi
%A Imre Horváth
%J Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
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%P 862-884
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Our long-term objective is to develop a software toolbox for pre-embodiment design of complex and heterogeneous systems, such as cyber-physical systems. The novelty of this toolbox is that it uses system manifestation features (SMFs) for transdisciplinary modeling of these systems. The main challenges of implementation of the toolbox are functional design- and language-independent computational realization of the warehouses, and systematic development and management of the various evolving implements of SMFs (genotypes, phenotypes, and instances). Therefore, an information schema construct (ISC) based approach is proposed to create the schemata of the associated warehouse databases and the above-mentioned SMF implements. ISCs logically arrange the data contents of SMFs in a set of relational tables of varying semantics. In this article we present the ISCs necessary for creation of genotypes and phenotypes. They increase the efficiency of the database development process and make the data relationships transparent. Our follow-up research focuses on the elaboration of the SMF instances based system modeling methodology.


概要:我们的长期目标是为复杂、异构系统(如信息物理系统)的预实体化设计建立一个软件工具箱。该工具箱的新颖性在于其利用了系统表现特征(system manifestation features, SMF)来进行跨学科的系统建模。实现该工具箱的难点在于其仓库的计算实现不依赖于功能设计和语言,和对于多种不断演变的SMF(基因型、表型及实例)工具的系统化的开发和管理。因此,我们提出了一种基于信息模式构造(information schema construct, ISC)的方法用以构造相关联的仓库数据库图式以及前述的SMF。ISC从逻辑上将SMF的数据内容整合为一组不同语义下的关系表。本文中我们给出了创建基因型和表型所必需的信息模式构造。这些信息模式构造提高了数据库的开发效率,并使数据之间的联系透明化。下一步研究中我们将重点关注基于SMF实例的系统建模方法的实施细节。

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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