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Nan-nan Zhao


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2016 Vol.17 No.10 P.994-1007


A reliable power management scheme for consistent hashing based distributed key value storage systems

Author(s):  Nan-nan Zhao, Ji-guang Wan, Jun Wang, Chang-sheng Xie

Affiliation(s):  Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, Wuhan 430074, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   nnzhaocs@hotmail.com, jgwan@mail.hust.edu.cn, jwang@mail.ucf.edu, cs_xie@mail.hust.edu.cn

Key Words:  Consistent hash table (CHT), Replication, Power management, Key value storage system, Reliability

Nan-nan Zhao, Ji-guang Wan, Jun Wang, Chang-sheng Xie. A reliable power management scheme for consistent hashing based distributed key value storage systems[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2016, 17(10): 994-1007.

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%T A reliable power management scheme for consistent hashing based distributed key value storage systems
%A Nan-nan Zhao
%A Ji-guang Wan
%A Jun Wang
%A Chang-sheng Xie
%J Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
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T1 - A reliable power management scheme for consistent hashing based distributed key value storage systems
A1 - Nan-nan Zhao
A1 - Ji-guang Wan
A1 - Jun Wang
A1 - Chang-sheng Xie
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Distributed key value storage systems are among the most important types of distributed storage systems currently deployed in data centers. Nowadays, enterprise data centers are facing growing pressure in reducing their power consumption. In this paper, we propose GreenCHT, a reliable power management scheme for consistent hashing based distributed key value storage systems. It consists of a multi-tier replication scheme, a reliable distributed log store, and a predictive power mode scheduler (PMS). Instead of randomly placing replicas of each object on a number of nodes in the consistent hash ring, we arrange the replicas of objects on nonoverlapping tiers of nodes in the ring. This allows the system to fall in various power modes by powering down subsets of servers while not violating data availability. The predictive PMS predicts workloads and adapts to load fluctuation. It cooperates with the multi-tier replication strategy to provide power proportionality for the system. To ensure that the reliability of the system is maintained when replicas are powered down, we distribute the writes to standby replicas to active servers, which ensures failure tolerance of the system. GreenCHT is implemented based on Sheepdog, a distributed key value storage system that uses consistent hashing as an underlying distributed hash table. By replaying 12 typical real workload traces collected from Microsoft, the evaluation results show that GreenCHT can provide significant power savings while maintaining a desired performance. We observe that GreenCHT can reduce power consumption by up to 35%–61%.


概要:分布式键值存储作为最常用的分布式存储系统之一,目前广泛部署在大规模数据中心中。然而,大规模数据中心的高能耗是一个亟待解决的问题。为达到较好节能效果,同时满足数据可用性要求,本文提出一个针对基于一致性哈希的分布式键值存储系统的低能耗副本布局策略——GreenCHT,它包括一个分层副本布局方案、一个可靠的分布式日志和一个预测能耗模式调节器。GreenCHT将副本分布在互不重叠的多个节点层,而非随机放置于哈希环的部分节点。在分层副本布局中,部分节点层可以维持活动状态,其他节点可以被关闭而不影响数据可用性,以达到节能目的。能耗模式调节器(power mode scheduler, PMS)能够预测I/O负载,并根据负载高低波动变化,相应关闭或开启某些节点层。为保证节能状态下的系统可靠性,对于待机副本的写请求,被重新映射到活动的服务器,以保证系统的容错性。通过修改Sheepdog原有的数据分布算法和副本布局策略,GreenCHT被配置在Sheepdog存储集群中。实验中,GreenCHT能够节省35%–61%能耗,同时维持较好性能和可靠性。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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