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Yong-kui Liu


Xue-song Zhang


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2019 Vol.20 No.11 P.1465-1492


A multi-agent architecture for scheduling in platform-based smart manufacturing systems

Author(s):  Yong-kui Liu, Xue-song Zhang, Lin Zhang, Fei Tao, Li-hui Wang

Affiliation(s):  Center for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems and Robots, School of Mechano-Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   yongkuiliu@163.com, xs_zhang@126.com, zhanglin@buaa.edu.cn, ftao@buaa.edu.cn, lihuiw@kth.se

Key Words:  Platform, Smart manufacturing, Multi-agent, Scheduling

Yong-kui Liu, Xue-song Zhang, Lin Zhang, Fei Tao, Li-hui Wang. A multi-agent architecture for scheduling in platform-based smart manufacturing systems[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2019, 20(11): 1465-1492.

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%T A multi-agent architecture for scheduling in platform-based smart manufacturing systems
%A Yong-kui Liu
%A Xue-song Zhang
%A Lin Zhang
%A Fei Tao
%A Li-hui Wang
%J Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
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%P 1465-1492
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Yong-kui Liu
A1 - Xue-song Zhang
A1 - Lin Zhang
A1 - Fei Tao
A1 - Li-hui Wang
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During the past years, a number of smart manufacturing concepts have been proposed, such as cloud manufacturing, Industry 4.0, and Industrial Internet. One of their common aims is to optimize the collaborative resource configuration across enterprises by establishing platforms that aggregate distributed resources. In all of these concepts, a complete manufacturing system consists of distributed physical manufacturing systems and a platform containing the virtual manufacturing systems mapped from the physical ones. We call such manufacturing systems platform-based smart manufacturing systems (PSMSs). A PSMS can therefore be regarded as a huge cyber-physical system with the cyber part being the platform and the physical part being the corresponding physical manufacturing system. A significant issue for a PSMS is how to optimally schedule the aggregated resources. multi-agent technology provides an effective approach for solving this issue. In this paper we propose a multi-agent architecture for scheduling in PSMSs, which consists of a platform-level scheduling multi-agent system (MAS) and an enterprise- level scheduling MAS. Procedures, characteristics, and requirements of scheduling in PSMSs are presented. A model for scheduling in a PSMS based on the architecture is proposed. A case study is conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed architecture and model.




Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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