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Wei Fan


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2021 Vol.22 No.4 P.548-559


Spatial fading channel emulation for over-the-air testing of millimeter-wave radios: concepts and experimental validations

Author(s):  Wei Fan, Lassi Hentil, Pekka Kysti

Affiliation(s):  Antenna Propagation and Millimeter-wave Systems (APMS) Section, Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, Aalborg 9220, Denmark; more

Corresponding email(s):   wfa@es.aau.dk

Key Words:  Spatial channel model, Over-the-air (OTA) testing, Wireless cable method, Multi-probe anechoic chamber (MPAC) method, FR2 validation

Wei Fan, Lassi Hentil, Pekka Kysti. Spatial fading channel emulation for over-the-air testing of millimeter-wave radios: concepts and experimental validations[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2021, 22(4): 548-559.

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%T Spatial fading channel emulation for over-the-air testing of millimeter-wave radios: concepts and experimental validations
%A Wei Fan
%A Lassi Hentil
%A Pekka Kysti
%J Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
%V 22
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%P 548-559
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%D 2021
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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T1 - Spatial fading channel emulation for over-the-air testing of millimeter-wave radios: concepts and experimental validations
A1 - Wei Fan
A1 - Lassi Hentil
A1 - Pekka Kysti
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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Millimeter-wave (mmWave) communication is regarded as the key enabling component for fifth-generation (5G) cellular systems due to the large available spectrum bandwidth. To make mmWave new radio (NR) a reality, tremendous efforts have been exerted from the industry and academia. Performance evaluation of mmWave NR is a mandatory step and the key to ensuring the success of mmWave 5G deployment. Over-the-air (OTA) radiated method of testing mmWave NR in laboratory conditions is highly attractive, since it facilitates virtual field testing of mmWave devices in realistic propagation conditions. In this paper, we first discuss the need for and challenges in OTA measurement of mmWave 5G NR under fading channel conditions. After that, two promising candidate solutions, i.e., wireless cable and multi-probe anechoic chamber (MPAC), are detailed. Their principles, applicability for mmWave NR, and main challenges are discussed. Furthermore, preliminary experimental validation results in a frequency range 2 anechoic chamber are demonstrated for the wireless cable and MPAC methods at 28 GHz.


范伟1,Lassi HENTIL?2,Pekka KY?STI2,3
摘要:拥有大量可用频谱资源的毫米波(mmWave)频段使得毫米波通信被视为第五代(5G)蜂窝系统的关键使能技术。为使毫米波新无线电(NR)成为现实,工业界和学术界做出了巨大努力。毫米波NR的性能评估和测试是确保毫米波5G NR部署成功的关键和必不可少的步骤。极具吸引力和应用前景的毫米波空口(OTA)辐射测试方法是在实验室条件下模拟实际的传播条件对毫米波设备进行虚拟现场测试。本文首先讨论了在衰落信道条件下毫米波5G NR空口测量的需求和挑战。之后,详细介绍了两种有前景的候选测试解决方案,即无线线缆和多探头电波暗室(MPAC),其中包括这两种方案的原理、对毫米波NR的适用性以及主要挑战。最后展示了这两种测试方案在28 GHz频段下初步的实验验证结果。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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