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On-line Access: 2024-08-27
Received: 2023-10-17
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Wenguan WANG, Yi YANG, Yunhe PAN. Visual knowledge in the big model era: Retrospect and prospect[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 1998, -1(-1): .
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A1 - Yi YANG
A1 - Yunhe PAN
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Abstract: visual knowledge is a new form of knowledge representation that can encapsulate visual concepts and their relations in a succinct, comprehensive, and interpretable manner, with a deep root in cognitive psychology. As the knowledge of the visual world has been identified as an indispensable component of human cognition and intelligence, visual knowledge is poised to have a pivotal role in establishing machine intelligence. With the recent advance of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, large AI models (or foundation models) have emerged as a potent tool capable of extracting versatile patterns from broad data as implicit knowledge, and abstracting them into an outrageous amount of numeric parameters. To pave the way for creating visual knowledge empowered AI machines in this coming wave, we present a timely review that investigates the origins and development of visual knowledge in the pre-big model era, and accentuates the opportunities and unique role of visual knowledge in the big model era.
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