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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2005 Vol.6 No.3 P.237-242


Design and research of gymnasium structure in Zhejiang University

Author(s):  WU Kai-cheng, ZHUANG Yi-zhou

Affiliation(s):  School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China

Corresponding email(s):   wkc@ema.zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Prestress structure, Membrane structure, Tubular structure, Extraordinarily long seamless structure, Temperature shrinkage, Stability

WU Kai-cheng, ZHUANG Yi-zhou. Design and research of gymnasium structure in Zhejiang University[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2005, 6(3): 237-242.

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%T Design and research of gymnasium structure in Zhejiang University
%A WU Kai-cheng
%A ZHUANG Yi-zhou
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
%V 6
%N 3
%P 237-242
%@ 1673-565X
%D 2005
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.2005.A0237

T1 - Design and research of gymnasium structure in Zhejiang University
A1 - WU Kai-cheng
A1 - ZHUANG Yi-zhou
J0 - Journal of Zhejiang University Science A
VL - 6
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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This paper deals with the issues involved during the design of a complex gymnasium located at the new campus of Zhejiang University. The complexity comes from the gymnasium’s being of three parts: long-span membrane structure, prestressed concrete structure and extraordinarily long tubular steel structure without seams. The paper first presents considerations of the prestress design, followed by analyses of the stress states due to temperature changes and concrete shrinkage. Buckling and postbuckling analyses were performed to determine the load-carrying capacity of the perfect and imperfect tubular steel structure of the inclined arch system, while dynamic relaxation method and general nonlinear finite element analysis were used to carry out shape-finding and stress analyses of the membrane structure respectively. Finally, collated monitoring date was applied to control the construction quality and verify the design parameters. Some useful conclusions are available at the end of the paper.

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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