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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2005 Vol.6 No.6 P.565-570


A heuristic method for solving triangle packing problem

Author(s):  CHEN Chuan-bo, HE Da-hua

Affiliation(s):  College of Computer Science & Technology, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan 430074, China

Corresponding email(s):   chuanboc@163.com, hedahua@xinhuanet.com

Key Words:  Triangle packing problem, Rigid placement, Flexibility, Destruction, Least-Destruction-First (LDF) strategy, Backtracking

CHEN Chuan-bo, HE Da-hua. A heuristic method for solving triangle packing problem[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2005, 6(6): 565-570.

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%T A heuristic method for solving triangle packing problem
%A CHEN Chuan-bo
%A HE Da-hua
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
%V 6
%N 6
%P 565-570
%@ 1673-565X
%D 2005
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.2005.A0565

T1 - A heuristic method for solving triangle packing problem
A1 - CHEN Chuan-bo
A1 - HE Da-hua
J0 - Journal of Zhejiang University Science A
VL - 6
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EP - 570
%@ 1673-565X
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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Given a set of triangles and a rectangle container, the triangle packing problem is to determine if these triangles can be placed into the container without overlapping. triangle packing problem is a special case of polygon packing problem and also NP-hard, so it is unlikely that an efficient and exact algorithm can be developed to solve this problem. In this paper, a new concept of rigid placement is proposed, based on which a discrete solution space called rigid solution space is constructed. Each solution in the rigid solution space can be built by continuously applying legal rigid placements one by one until all the triangles are placed into the rectangle container without overlapping. The proposed Least-destruction-First (LDF) strategy determines which rigid placement has the privilege to go into the rectangle container. Based on this, a heuristic algorithm is proposed to solve the problem. Combining Least-destruction-First strategy with backtracking, the corresponding backtracking algorithm is proposed. Computational results show that our proposed algorithms are efficient and robust. With slight modification, these techniques can be conveniently used for solving polygon packing problem.

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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