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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2007 Vol.8 No.11 P.1712-1724


The limit analysis in soil and rock: a mature discipline of geomechanics

Author(s):  CHEN Zu-yu

Affiliation(s):  China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100044, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   chenzuyu@iwhr.com

Key Words:  Limit analysis, Geomechanics, Slope stability problem, Limit equilibrium method

CHEN Zu-yu. The limit analysis in soil and rock: a mature discipline of geomechanics[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2007, 8(11): 1712-1724.

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The solution of a slope stability problem can be approached by its least upper-bound and maximum lower-bound with high accuracy. The limit equilibrium methods that employ vertical slices imply a lower bound of the factor of safety. It has been successfully extended to the area of active earth pressure analysis that accounts for different input of locations of earth pressure applications. Those methods that employ slices with inclined interfaces give an upper-bound approach to the stability analysis. It enjoys a sound mechanical background and is able to provide accurate solutions of soil plasticity. It has been successfully extended to the area of bearing capacity analysis in which various empirical coefficients are no longer necessary. The 3D upper- and lower-bound methods under this framework have been made possible and show great potential for solving various engineering problems.

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