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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2008 Vol.9 No.10 P.1382-1389


A model for automatic identification of human pulse signals

Author(s):  Hui-yan WANG, Pei-yong ZHANG

Affiliation(s):  College of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou 310018, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   zhangpy@vlsi.zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Pulse signal identification, Feature extraction, Bayesian network, Quantitative diagnosis, Wavelet transform

Hui-yan WANG, Pei-yong ZHANG. A model for automatic identification of human pulse signals[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2008, 9(10): 1382-1389.

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This paper presents a quantitative method for automatic identification of human pulse signals. The idea is to start with the extraction of characteristic parameters and then to construct the recognition model based on bayesian networks. To identify depth, frequency and rhythm, several parameters are proposed. To distinguish the strength and shape, which cannot be represented by one or several parameters and are hard to recognize, the main time-domain feature parameters are computed based on the feature points of the pulse signal. Then the extracted parameters are taken as the input and five models for automatic pulse signal identification are constructed based on bayesian networks. Experimental results demonstrate that the method is feasible and effective in recognizing depth, frequency, rhythm, strength and shape of pulse signals, which can be expected to facilitate the modernization of pulse diagnosis.

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