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Zhen-yu Wang


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2016 Vol.17 No.6 P.443-453


A numerical study on the high-velocity impact behavior of pressure pipes

Author(s):  Zhen-yu Wang, Yang Zhao, Guo-wei Ma, Zhi-guo He

Affiliation(s):  College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, , 310058,; more

Corresponding email(s):   wzyu@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Pressure pipes, High-velocity impact, Fluid-structure interaction, Impact resistance, Numerical simulation

Zhen-yu Wang, Yang Zhao, Guo-wei Ma, Zhi-guo He. A numerical study on the high-velocity impact behavior of pressure pipes[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2016, 17(6): 443-453.

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%T A numerical study on the high-velocity impact behavior of pressure pipes
%A Zhen-yu Wang
%A Yang Zhao
%A Guo-wei Ma
%A Zhi-guo He
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
%V 17
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%P 443-453
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%D 2016
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Zhen-yu Wang
A1 - Yang Zhao
A1 - Guo-wei Ma
A1 - Zhi-guo He
J0 - Journal of Zhejiang University Science A
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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pressure pipes are widely used in modern industry with some in potentially dangerous situations of explosion and impact. The security problems of these pipes when subjected to impact have attracted a lot of attention. A non-linear numerical model has therefore been developed to investigate the dynamic behavior of pressure pipes subjected to high-velocity impact. A high strain rate effect on the pipe response is considered here and the fluid and pipe interaction is modeled to include the coupling effect between the deformation of the pipe and its internal pressure. Low-velocity and high-velocity impact experimental results are used to verify the numerical model, and a reasonable agreement between the numerical and experimental results has been achieved. The effects on the dynamic behavior of the pipes of the nose shape of the projectile, the diameter of the spherical projectile, and the pipe wall thickness and internal pressure, are investigated quantitatively. During high-velocity impacts, the increase of pressure in the pipes decreases their resistance to perforation. A rise in internal pressure increases the elastic resistance of the pipes toward impacts without crack formation.

In the paper, the finite element method is used to investigate impact test on fluid-filled pipes by using a non-linear material model. The numerically obtained results are compared to results from experimental tests that were performed by other researchers. Somewhat good agreement between the numerical and the experimental results was found. The developed and verified finite element model was used in a parametric study in order to investigate the effects of various parameters on the dynamical behaviour of the fluid-filled pipe.


创新点:1. 开发考虑金属大变形和高应变率的非线性模型,通过基于表面的流体腔模型来模拟管道气体和管道的耦合作用,简化计算模型,提高计算效率;2. 通过非线性有限元模型,对管道高速冲击响应的影响因素进行研究分析。
方法:1. 采用Johnson-Cook模型模拟金属的大应变及大应变率;2. 采用基于表面的流体腔模拟管道与内部气体的耦合作用;3. 与实验结果对比验证模型的准确性;4. 分析影响管道抗冲击性能的参数。
结论:1. 管道壁厚显著影响管道的抗冲击性能;2. 在相同冲量下,冲击头与管道的接触面积越小,管道越容易被穿透;3. 在管道受到冲击时,管道内压越大,管道抗穿透能力越小;4. 在管道未被破坏时,管道内压能够增加管道的弹性,减小管道受冲击后的凹陷深度。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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