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Wen-yang Duan


Li-min Huang


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2016 Vol.17 No.5 P.399-415


A predictive controller for joint pitch-roll stabilization

Author(s):  Wen-yang Duan, Yang Han, Rui-feng Wang, Li-min Huang

Affiliation(s):  Department of Shipbuilding Engineering, , 150001,; more

Corresponding email(s):   huanglimin@hrbeu.edu.cn

Key Words:  Active fins, Joint pitch-roll stabilization, Predictive controller, Ship motion and hydrodynamic force prediction (SMHFP) controller

Wen-yang Duan, Yang Han, Rui-feng Wang, Li-min Huang. A predictive controller for joint pitch-roll stabilization[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2016, 17(5): 399-415.

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%T A predictive controller for joint pitch-roll stabilization
%A Wen-yang Duan
%A Yang Han
%A Rui-feng Wang
%A Li-min Huang
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%P 399-415
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%D 2016
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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T1 - A predictive controller for joint pitch-roll stabilization
A1 - Wen-yang Duan
A1 - Yang Han
A1 - Rui-feng Wang
A1 - Li-min Huang
J0 - Journal of Zhejiang University Science A
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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Reduction of roll and pitch motions is critical in improving the safety and operability of a ship. In this paper, a predictive controller for a ship equipped with two pairs of active fins is proposed for joint pitch-roll stabilization. The proposed controller is developed on the basis of ship motion and hydrodynamic force prediction (SMHFP). The SMHFP controller consists of a short-term predictor, a force estimator, and a fin angle allocator. The short-term predictor adopts an autoregressive (AR) approach and serves to forecast ship motions. Then, predicted ship motions are used in an external hydrodynamic force estimator to evaluate the expected stabilizing forces. Finally, the optimal attack angles for active fins are allocated based on external hydrodynamic forces forecasts. The control system of the stabilizing fins and SMHFP controller is integrated into the sea-keeping program. The program was developed based on a weakly nonlinear 2.5D method, which shows better efficiency and accuracy compared with conventional 2D and 3D methods. To evaluate the performance of the proposed controller, numerical simulations of the joint pitch-roll stabilization under various sea states were investigated on a ship model. The results suggest that the SMHFP controller shows satisfactory performance in reducing pitch and roll motions simultaneously.

In this paper, a predictive controller for a ship equipped with two pairs of actives fins is proposed for joint pitch-roll stabilization. The controller is developed base on ship motion and hydrodynamic force predictions (SMHFP). SMHFP controller consists of a short-term predictor, an external hydrodynamic force estimator and a fin angle allocator. Short-term predictor basing on AR approach serves to overcome control time delay by forecasting ship motions in coming seconds. Afterwards, predicted ship motions are applied in external hydrodynamic force estimator to provide accurate evaluation of the coming external forces acting on the ship. Finally, optimal attack angles for active fins are allocated based the external hydrodynamic forces forecasts. SMHFP controller was integrated into a sea-keeping assessing computer program which adopts a weakly nonlinear 2.5D method, which shows better efficiency and accuracy compared to conventional 2D and 3D methods. Numerical simulations under various sea states were implemented to access the performance of SMHFP controller with satisfied performance in reducing pitch and roll motions simultaneously. The topic is very interesting, the contribution is significant, and the results are positive.


创新点:1. 提出基于船舶运动预报和水动力预报的减摇方法,克服了控制时延对减摇效果的影响; 2. 基于弱非线性二维半方法进行船舶运动减摇数值仿真,验证了该方法能够实现良好的联合减摇控制效果。
方法:1. 在控制过程中基于极短期预报方法预报船舶运动姿态,并利用船舶运动方程预报水动力,将预报的水动力作为鳍角分配的依据;2. 基于弱非线性二维半方法在时域内进行船舶运动减摇数值仿真,分析该控制方法在各种不同海况下的减摇控制效果。
结论:1. 弱非线性二维半方法在高速船舶的水动力预报中可以获得良好的效果;2. 在各个不同海况下,本文提出的控制方法能够实现有效的联合减摇。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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