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Pui-Lam Ng


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2016 Vol.17 No.10 P.759-781


Packing and film thickness theories for the mix design of high-performance concrete

Author(s):  Pui-Lam Ng, Albert Kwok-Hung Kwan, Leo Gu Li

Affiliation(s):  Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   irdngpl@gmail.com, khkwan@hku.hk, ligu123@msn.com

Key Words:  Concrete mix design, Concrete science, Film thickness, High-performance concrete, Packing density, Sustainability

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Pui-Lam Ng, Albert Kwok-Hung Kwan, Leo Gu Li. Packing and film thickness theories for the mix design of high-performance concrete[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2016, 17(10): 759-781.

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%T Packing and film thickness theories for the mix design of high-performance concrete
%A Pui-Lam Ng
%A Albert Kwok-Hung Kwan
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A1 - Albert Kwok-Hung Kwan
A1 - Leo Gu Li
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A high-performance concrete (HPC) is required to have superior performance in various aspects such as workability, strength, durability, dimensional stability, segregation stability, and passing ability. The mix design of HPC is rather complicated because the number of ingredients in HPC is usually more than those in conventional concrete and some of the required properties are conflicting with each other in the sense that improvement in one property would at the same time cause impairment of another property. However, there is still lack of understanding regarding how the various mix parameters should be optimised for achieving best overall performance. Most practitioners are still conducting mix design primarily through trial concrete mixing, which is laborious, ineffective, and often unable to timely respond to fluctuations in the properties of raw materials. To address these issues, the authors have been developing the packing and film thickness theories of concrete materials, in order to revamp the mix design philosophy of HPC in terms of the water film thickness (WFT), paste film thickness (PFT), and mortar film thickness (MFT) in the concrete. Based on the findings from an extensive experimental programme, suitable ranges of WFT, PFT, and MFT have been recommended.


创新点:1. 堆积密实度湿测法;2. 膜厚度理论;3. 三梯度配合比设计法。
方法:1. 堆积密实度试验方法;2. 流变性能试验方法;3. 强度性能试验方法。
结论:1. 堆积密实度与膜厚度是影响混凝土材料各项性能的关键影响因素;2. 基于填充理论和膜厚度理论的高性能混凝土三梯度配合比设计新体系对推动混凝土科学的发展有重要意义。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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