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Dan-da Shi


Jian-feng Xue


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2017 Vol.18 No.5 P.346-362


Effect of bedding direction of oval particles on the behavior of dense granular assemblies under simple shear

Author(s):  Dan-da Shi, Jian-feng Xue, Zhen-ying Zhao, Yan-cheng Yang

Affiliation(s):  School of Ocean Science and Engineering, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   jianfeng.xue@adfa.edu.au

Key Words:  Initial fabric anisotropy, Particle orientation, Simple shear, Non-coaxiality, Discrete element method (DEM)

Dan-da Shi, Jian-feng Xue, Zhen-ying Zhao, Yan-cheng Yang. Effect of bedding direction of oval particles on the behavior of dense granular assemblies under simple shear[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2017, 18(5): 346-362.

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%T Effect of bedding direction of oval particles on the behavior of dense granular assemblies under simple shear
%A Dan-da Shi
%A Jian-feng Xue
%A Zhen-ying Zhao
%A Yan-cheng Yang
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
%V 18
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%P 346-362
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%D 2017
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Jian-feng Xue
A1 - Zhen-ying Zhao
A1 - Yan-cheng Yang
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initial fabric anisotropy can greatly affect the shear behavior of particulate materials during shear. The bedding plane effect induced by particle orientation is one of the main fabric anisotropic factors that may affect other factors. It is hard to experimentally examine the effect of bedding direction of particles on the shear behavior of particulate materials, such as sand. A 2D discrete element method (DEM) is employed in this paper to study the influence of different orientations of oval particles on the behavior of dense assemblies under simple shear. As well as the macroscopic shear behavior, the evolution of particle orientation, contact normal, and inter-particle contact forces within the samples with different initial bedding angles during shear have been extensively examined. It was found that the initial bedding direction of the particles has great influence on the non-coaxiality between the directions of principal stress and principal strain increment. The bedding direction also affects the strength and dilatancy responses of DEM samples subjected to simple shear, and the samples with larger bedding angles exhibit higher shear strength and larger volume dilation. A modified stress-force-fabric relationship is proposed to describe the effect of particle bedding direction on the shear strength of samples, and the new equation can better describe the stress-force-fabric relationship of assemblies with initial anisotropic fabrics compared with the existing model.


目 的:利用离散元数值模拟技术,从宏细观角度探究单剪受荷模式下,颗粒定向引起的层理面效应对数值试样强度与变形特征、应力-剪胀关系以及组构各向异性演化的影响及其机理。
创新点:1. 分析了单剪受荷条件下应力主轴偏转引发的主应力与主应变增量之间的非共轴效应,针对密实颗粒试样,研究了初始层理面倾角对非共轴应力-剪胀关系的影响;2. 从细观力学角度,研究了应力主轴偏转条件下初始不同层理面试样的应力诱发组构各向异性特征,提出了一个可以考虑初始层理面效应的应力-接触力-组构经验关系式。
方 法:1. 采用离散元团聚颗粒方法构建初始不同层理面定向的数值试样;2. 采用傅里叶级数近似法对数值试样细观组构各向异性演化规律进行统计和定量数学分析;3. 通过与已有文献数值模拟和室内试验结果的对比,探讨密实颗粒数值试样的单剪特性及非共轴应力-剪胀关系。
结 论:1. 初始层理面定向显著影响数值试样的单剪强度与体变特征,且在定量上能与室内物理试验结果进行对比;2. 在单剪受荷模式下,初始层理角越大,非共轴效应越显著;3. 随着应力主轴的偏转,颗粒定向各向异性主方向逐渐趋于大主应力面作用方向,而接触法向各向异性的主方向基本垂直于颗粒定向各向异性主方向。4. 本文提出的应力-接触力-组构关系式能够较好的反映颗粒定向对试样抗剪强度的影响。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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