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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2017 Vol.18 No.3 P.163-166


Soft magnetic composites with enhanced performance and their key production technologies

Author(s):  Mi Yan, Chen Wu

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China

Corresponding email(s):   mse_yanmi@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Soft magnetic, Composite, Power

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Mi Yan, Chen Wu. Soft magnetic composites with enhanced performance and their key production technologies[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2017, 18(3): 163-166.

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soft magnetic composites (SMCs) contain metallic magnetic powders embedded in an insulation matrix, and are usually prepared by procedures including powder production, insulation coating, binding, compaction, and annealing. They have attracted extensive interest as fundamental electric and electronic components in the fields of energy, information, transportation, and national defense. With the development of electric and electronic devices with properties suitable for high frequency, large power, energy saving, and being electromagnetically compatible, the demand and requirements for SMCs become significantly higher. The SMC industry in China used to lag far behind overseas competitors with a huge technological gap. The main domestic products were Fe SMCs with only a small amount of alloy SMCs. Such SMCs exhibited low magnetization and unsatisfactory DC-bias properties with double the loss compared to the overseas products. Since 2002, Prof. Mi YAN’s team at Zhejiang University, China has carried out long-term cooperation with related enterprises, achieved key breakthroughs, and invented a series of new SMCs with enhanced performance and low loss. The team has also achieved large-scale production and wide application of the new SMCs, pushing the domestic industry into a world-leading position.


创新点:1. 发明多软磁相核壳结构复合材料和磁粉绝缘包覆新技术。降低以涡流损耗为主的功率损耗,是软磁复合材料的世界性难题。本项目提出了在软磁粉末基体上原位生成高电阻率软磁壳层,制备多软磁相核壳结构复合材料以降低涡流损耗的新思路,发明了Fe基软磁合金基体与Fe4N/Fe3O4、Fe3O4等高电阻率软磁壳层组成的核壳结构材料。创新了磁粉绝缘包覆技术,发明了分别适用于不同合金磁粉的非均匀形核、溶胶-凝胶和复合绝缘包覆技术。以上发明在保持高磁性能的同时,大幅度抑制了颗粒间涡流,显著降低了功率损耗。2. 发明系列新型高性能软磁合金。创新设计了Fe-Si-M、Fe-Ni-M(M为Mo、Ni、Al或Co)新型晶态软磁合金和Fe-Cu-Nb-Ti-Si-B、Fe-Ni-Al-Si-B纳米晶/非晶软磁新合金,掌握了成分配方对合金相结构、显微组织和磁性能的作用规律及机理,发明了系列新型高性能软磁合金,制备出具有高磁通密度、高直流叠加等不同特性的高性能软磁复合材料产品。3. 创新和集成核心生产与应用技术。发明了新型耐高温粘结剂和有机-无机复合粘结技术,创新和改进了针对不同合金的磁粉制备技术,系统集成相关发明与关键技术,建立了低功耗高性能软磁复合材料成套生产工艺。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article

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