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Yu Zhang


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2019 Vol.20 No.5 P.358-367


Effect of seal clearance on the separation performance for a gearbox sealing system of a high-speed electric multiple unit

Author(s):  Yu Zhang, Kai-lin Zhang, Yuan Yao

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China

Corresponding email(s):   zhangyutpl@163.com

Key Words:  Gearbox sealing system, Seal clearance, Separation performance, Discrete phase method (DPM) model, Droplet-wall collision model

Yu Zhang, Kai-lin Zhang, Yuan Yao. Effect of seal clearance on the separation performance for a gearbox sealing system of a high-speed electric multiple unit[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2019, 20(5): 358-367.

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%T Effect of seal clearance on the separation performance for a gearbox sealing system of a high-speed electric multiple unit
%A Yu Zhang
%A Kai-lin Zhang
%A Yuan Yao
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%P 358-367
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%D 2019
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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T1 - Effect of seal clearance on the separation performance for a gearbox sealing system of a high-speed electric multiple unit
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A1 - Kai-lin Zhang
A1 - Yuan Yao
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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Seal characteristic is based on the oil-gas separation performance of the gearbox sealing system of a high-speed electric multiple unit. A model of the gearbox sealing system is established to study the effect of seal clearance on separation performance, based on discrete phase method and droplet-wall collision models. The results show that the airflow drag force and oil droplet inertia force affect the locus of the droplet motion and the oil-gas separation efficiency of the sealing system. However, mass inertia force is the major influencing factor while acceleration inertia force and airflow drag force are secondary factors. The separation efficiency of small oil droplet (diameter 1 μm) decreases as the axial clearance width increases, while the separation efficiency of larger oil droplet (diameter 5 μm) remains unchanged. However, the separation efficiency of intermediate droplet (diameter 2−4 μm) decreases and then increases. Meanwhile, larger axial clearance height difference and radial tooth relative meshing ratio lead to higher separation efficiency. The separation efficiency decreases with increasing radial tooth angle, reaches a minimum at 80°, and then increases with further increase in tooth angle. Thus, the seal clearance has a slight effect on the oil-gas separation efficiency of oil droplet of 5 μm.

In the manuscript, the authors investigated the impact of seal clearance on the separation performance for the gearbox sealing system of high-speed electric multiple units.


创新点:1. 采用润滑油和空气混合介质作为工作介质,更贴合工程实践; 2. 采用液滴-壁面碰撞模型,分析油气分离过程中液滴的运动状态.
方法:1. 结合离散相模型和液滴-壁面碰撞模型,建立高速动车组齿轮箱的密封系统模型. 2. 通过试验和数值计算对比,验证仿真模拟的准确性和模型的适用性. 3. 通过仿真模拟,分析不同液滴直径下密封间隙对油气分离性能的影响;其中,密封间隙包含轴向间隙宽度、轴向间隙高度差、径向密封齿形角和径向密封齿相对插入深度比.
结论:1. 气流对油滴的拖曳力和油滴的惯性作用影响油滴运动轨迹和密封系统的油气分离效率;其中质量惯性力是主要因素,加速度惯性力与气流拖曳力是次要因素. 2. 随着轴向间隙宽度的增大,小直径油滴(1 μm)分离效率降低,大直径油滴(5 μm)分离效率基本不变,而过渡直径的油滴(2~4 μm)分离效率先降低后增高. 3. 随着轴向间隙高度差和径向密封齿相对啮合深度的增大,油气分离效率增高. 4. 随着径向密封齿形角的增大,油气分离效率先降低后升高,齿形角为80°时,分离效率最低. 5. 油滴直径越大,密封间隙变化对油气分离效率的影响越小.


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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