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Lu Jia


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2020 Vol.21 No.11 P.923-937


Test technology research and fatigue damage prediction of a car body based on dynamic simulation load spectrum

Author(s):  Lu Jia, Huan-yun Dai, Ye Song

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China

Corresponding email(s):   sy8621@163.com

Key Words:  Dynamic model, Car body, Load-time history, Fatigue, Damage

Lu Jia, Huan-yun Dai, Ye Song. Test technology research and fatigue damage prediction of a car body based on dynamic simulation load spectrum[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2020, 21(11): 923-937.

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%T Test technology research and fatigue damage prediction of a car body based on dynamic simulation load spectrum
%A Lu Jia
%A Huan-yun Dai
%A Ye Song
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%P 923-937
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%D 2020
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.A1900662

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A1 - Huan-yun Dai
A1 - Ye Song
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The dynamic model of a high-speed electric multiple unit (EMU) is established based on the theory of rigid-flexible coupling multi-body system dynamics. Depending on the actual operating conditions of the vehicle, there are a variety of conditions of car body load-time history. We assess ineffective amplitude omission, load spectrum extrapolation, and extreme determination through the car body load-time history, and then obtain the car body fatigue load block spectrum. Finally, we perform a fatigue strength test on the whole car body on a car body fatigue test bench. It is shown that the accelerations of the three directions of the vehicle car body increase with increasing speed. When the train passes a curve, the lateral acceleration average becomes greater. There is also an increase in the car body accelerations in three directions when the train goes through a turnout or twisted line. Under the condition of a failed spring, the vertical acceleration of the car body is obviously increased. Anti-yaw damper failure will cause a significant increase in vehicle lateral acceleration. The failure of lateral and vertical dampers on the second suspension causes an insignificant acceleration increase in three directions. The car body acceleration increases the wear-type profile relative to the original profile in various working and speed level conditions a little. The influence on the damage of vehicle car body under various working conditions is predicted according to the obtained load spectrum.


创新点:1. 基于动力学仿真得到车体服役载荷谱;2. 通过损伤评估得到车体在各种工况下的疲劳损伤,并在试验台上将载荷谱应用于整车车体.
方法:1. 通过动力学仿真,对同一工况不同速度等级、不同线路条件、不同故障工况和不同踏面情况下得到的载荷谱进行分析.2. 利用车体的加速度载荷时间历程对其进行结构疲劳寿命预测分析,得到各个工况下的损伤值.
结论:1. 随着速度的提高,车体三个方向的加速度越来越大;列车通过曲线时,横向加速度均值偏大;道岔通过和扭曲线路都会引起车体三个方向加速度的增加;空簧失效条件下,车体垂向加速度明显增大;抗蛇行减振器失效会引起车体横向加速度的明显增加;二系横向和垂向减振器的失效会引起三个方向的加速度增大,但是不明显;在各个工况及速度级条件下,相对于原始踏面,车体在磨耗型踏面的加速度更大.2. 对所得车体加速度载荷时间历程进行功率谱密度函数分析发现,各种条件下的车体振动能量主要集中在20 Hz以下.3. 随着速度的增加,车体损伤增加;磨耗型踏面比非磨耗型踏面对车体损伤大;故障工况下,当速度小于200 km/h时,只有空簧失效对车体损伤较大;当速度大于200 km/h时,抗蛇行减振器失效对车体产生的损伤最大;道岔和扭曲线路会对车体产生一定的损伤,但影响不大;当列车进行牵引制动时,随着速度的提高,损伤也相应增加,并且当牵引速度大于300 km/h时,损伤会急剧增加.


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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