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Ji-ying Fan


Bo Huang


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2021 Vol.22 No.5 P.369-381


Analytical solution for upheaval buckling of shallow buried pipelines in inclined cohesionless soil

Author(s):  Bo Huang, Jing-wen Liu, Ji-ying Fan, Dao-sheng Ling

Affiliation(s):  Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, College of Architectural and Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   jiying.fan@queensu.ca

Key Words:  Shallow buried pipe, Upheaval buckling, Inclined ground, Analytical formulation, Soil deformation mechanism

Bo Huang, Jing-wen Liu, Ji-ying Fan, Dao-sheng Ling. Analytical solution for upheaval buckling of shallow buried pipelines in inclined cohesionless soil[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2021, 22(5): 369-381.

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%T Analytical solution for upheaval buckling of shallow buried pipelines in inclined cohesionless soil
%A Bo Huang
%A Jing-wen Liu
%A Ji-ying Fan
%A Dao-sheng Ling
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%P 369-381
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%D 2021
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Jing-wen Liu
A1 - Ji-ying Fan
A1 - Dao-sheng Ling
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upheaval buckling of pipelines can occur under thermal expansion and differential ground settlement. Research on this phenomenon has usually assumed the pipes are buried in horizontal ground. For long-distance transmission pipelines across mountainous areas, the ground surface is commonly inclined. Based on the Rankine earth pressure theory and Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, analytical formulae for calculating the peak uplift resistance and the slip surface angles for a buried pipe in inclined ground are presented in this paper. Analyses indicate that the slip surfaces in inclined ground are asymmetric and rotate towards the downhill side. Under a shallow burial depth, the failure plane angle is highly impacted by the ground inclination. When the embedment ratio (H/D) is more than 4, the influence of the ground slope on the failure plane angle is negligible. The peak uplift resistance reduces in inclined ground, especially when H/D is less than 1. Finally, a simple equation considering the impact of ground inclination is proposed to predict the peak uplift resistance.


结论:1. 倾斜场地管道两边的滑裂面呈非对称破坏模式,滑裂面整体向坡脚方向偏转,且地表变形影响范围大于水平条件.2. 管道埋深比(H/D)一定时,滑裂面偏转程度随场地倾斜程度的增大而增大;场地倾角一定时,滑裂角偏转程度随H/D的增大而减小;当H/D>4时,可以忽略场地倾角的影响.3. 当H/D<1时,隆起抗力峰值随场地倾斜程度的增大而减小.4. 现有的油气输运管道设计规范中,均未考虑场地倾斜的影响,且管线最小埋设深度仅0.5 m,存在安全隐患.


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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