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Yao Yang


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2022 Vol.23 No.12 P.974-987


Hole-growth phenomenon during pyrolysis of a cation-exchange resin particle

Author(s):  Zheng-liang HUANG, Yun-bo YU, Qi SONG, Yao YANG, Jing-yuan SUN, Jing-dai WANG, Yong-rong YANG

Affiliation(s):  Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Advanced Chemical Engineering Manufacture Technology, College of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   yao_yang@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Non-catalytic gas-solid reaction, Cation-exchange resin, Pyrolysis, Central-hole expansion, Temperature difference, Transformation

Zheng-liang HUANG, Yun-bo YU, Qi SONG, Yao YANG, Jing-yuan SUN, Jing-dai WANG, Yong-rong YANG. Hole-growth phenomenon during pyrolysis of a cation-exchange resin particle[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2022, 23(12): 974-987.

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%T Hole-growth phenomenon during pyrolysis of a cation-exchange resin particle
%A Zheng-liang HUANG
%A Yun-bo YU
%A Jing-yuan SUN
%A Jing-dai WANG
%A Yong-rong YANG
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A1 - Zheng-liang HUANG
A1 - Yun-bo YU
A1 - Qi SONG
A1 - Yao YANG
A1 - Jing-yuan SUN
A1 - Jing-dai WANG
A1 - Yong-rong YANG
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A novel central hole-expansion phenomenon is identified, in which the cation-exchange resin is pyrolyzed in a mixed atmosphere of nitrogen and oxygen at 400‍–‍500°C. In this reaction, the reaction path is predictable and always starts from the center of the resin particle to form a central hole, then continues and expands around the hole, finally forming a uniformly distributed hole group; the particle surface remains intact. Analysis shows that this formation mode is due to the different reaction paths of sulfonic groups between the surface and interior of the particle, caused by the temperature difference. On the surface, transformation reactions happen at high temperatures (410‍–‍500°C) to form stable organic sulfur structures, while decomposition occurs inside the particle at a relatively low temperature (<410 °C) and promotes complete pyrolysis of the copolymer matrix to form holes.


方法:1.通过实验分析及相关表征测试,研究反应气氛、反应温度和树脂结构对新型热解模式的影响规律;2.通过数值模拟和动力学角度(Flynn-Ozawa方法),分析磺酸基团的分解和转化动力学,厘清中心空穴扩展模式的形成机理;3.通过仿真模拟(COMSOL Multiphysics),初步模拟树脂颗粒在初始反应阶段的温度变化,为阳离子交换树脂热解新模式提供间接验证。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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