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Liyan MIAO




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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B 2023 Vol.24 No.2 P.130-142


Chinese consensus guidelines for therapeutic drug monitoring of polymyxin B, endorsed by the Infection and Chemotherapy Committee of the Shanghai Medical Association and the Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Committee of the Chinese Pharmacological Society

Author(s):  Xiaofen LIU, Chenrong HUANG, Phillip J. BERGEN, Jian LI, Jingjing ZHANG, Yijian CHEN, Yongchuan CHEN, Beining GUO, Fupin HU, Jinfang HU, Linlin HU, Xin LI, Hongqiang QIU, Hua SHAO, Tongwen SUN, Yu WANG, Ping XU, Jing YANG, Yong YANG, Zhenwei YU, Bikui ZHANG, Huaijun ZHU, Xiaocong ZUO, Yi ZHANG, Liyan MIAO, Jing ZHANG

Affiliation(s):  Institute of Antibiotics, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University / Key Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacology of Antibiotics, National Health Commission of the Peoples Republic of China / National Clinical Research Centre for Aging and Medicine, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200040, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   zhangj_fudan@aliyun.com, miaolysuzhou@163.com

Key Words:  Polymyxin B, Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM), Pharmacokinetics, Clinical efficacy

Xiaofen LIU, Chenrong HUANG, Phillip J. BERGEN, Jian LI, Jingjing ZHANG, Yijian CHEN, Yongchuan CHEN, Beining GUO, Fupin HU, Jinfang HU, Linlin HU, Xin LI, Hongqiang QIU, Hua SHAO, Tongwen SUN, Yu WANG, Ping XU, Jing YANG, Yong YANG, Zhenwei YU, Bikui ZHANG, Huaijun ZHU, Xiaocong ZUO, Yi ZHANG, Liyan MIAO, Jing ZHANG. Chinese consensus guidelines for therapeutic drug monitoring of polymyxin B, endorsed by the Infection and Chemotherapy Committee of the Shanghai Medical Association and the Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Committee of the Chinese Pharmacological Society[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2023, 24(2): 130-142.

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%A Xiaofen LIU
%A Chenrong HUANG
%A Phillip J. BERGEN
%A Jian LI
%A Jingjing ZHANG
%A Yijian CHEN
%A Yongchuan CHEN
%A Beining GUO
%A Fupin HU
%A Jinfang HU
%A Linlin HU
%A Xin LI
%A Hongqiang QIU
%A Tongwen SUN
%A Ping XU
%A Jing YANG
%A Yong YANG
%A Zhenwei YU
%A Bikui ZHANG
%A Huaijun ZHU
%A Xiaocong ZUO
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A1 - Xiaofen LIU
A1 - Chenrong HUANG
A1 - Phillip J. BERGEN
A1 - Jian LI
A1 - Jingjing ZHANG
A1 - Yijian CHEN
A1 - Yongchuan CHEN
A1 - Beining GUO
A1 - Fupin HU
A1 - Jinfang HU
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A1 - Xin LI
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A1 - Hua SHAO
A1 - Tongwen SUN
A1 - Yu WANG
A1 - Ping XU
A1 - Jing YANG
A1 - Yong YANG
A1 - Zhenwei YU
A1 - Bikui ZHANG
A1 - Huaijun ZHU
A1 - Xiaocong ZUO
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polymyxin B, which is a last-line antibiotic for extensively drug-resistant Gram-negative bacterial infections, became available in China in Dec. 2017. As dose adjustments are based solely on clinical experience of risk toxicity, treatment failure, and emergence of resistance, there is an urgent clinical need to perform therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) to optimize the use of polymyxin B. It is thus necessary to standardize operating procedures to ensure the accuracy of TDM and provide evidence for their rational use. We report a consensus on TDM guidelines for polymyxin B, as endorsed by the Infection and Chemotherapy Committee of the Shanghai Medical Association and the Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Committee of the Chinese Pharmacological Society. The consensus panel was composed of clinicians, pharmacists, and microbiologists from different provinces in China and Australia who made recommendations regarding target concentrations, sample collection, reporting, and explanation of TDM results. The guidelines provide the first-ever consensus on conducting TDM of polymyxin B, and are intended to guide optimal clinical use.


刘笑芬1, 黄晨蓉2, Phillip J. BERGEN3, 李健3, 张晶晶2, 陈轶坚1, 陈勇川4, 郭蓓宁1, 胡付品1, 胡锦芳5, 胡琳璘6, 李昕7, 邱宏强8, 邵华6, 孙同文9, 王雨1, 徐萍10, 杨晶9, 杨勇11, 俞振伟12, 张毕奎10, 朱怀军13, 左笑丛14, 张弋15, 缪丽燕2, 张菁1,16
1复旦大学附属华山医院抗生素研究所, 卫健委抗生素临床药理重点实验室, 国家老年医学研究中心, 中国上海, 200040
2苏州大学第一附属医院, 中国苏州, 215000
3澳大利亚莫纳什大学, 墨尔本, VIC 3800
4陆军军医大学西南医院, 中国重庆, 400038
5南昌大学第一附属医院, 中国南昌, 330006
6东南大学附属中大医院, 中国南京, 210009
7长沙市第三医院, 中国长沙, 410035
8福建医科大学附属协和医院, 中国福州, 350001
9郑州大学第一附属医院, 中国郑州, 450052
10中南大学湘雅二医院, 中国长沙, 410011
11四川省人民医院, 中国成都, 610072
12浙江大学附属医院邵逸夫医院, 中国杭州, 310020
13南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院, 中国南京, 210008
14中南大学湘雅三医院, 中国长沙, 430100
15天津市第一中心医院, 中国天津, 300190
16复旦大学附属华山医院研究型病房, 中国上海, 200040
概要:多黏菌素B是治疗广泛耐药革兰氏阴性细菌感染的最后"一道防线",但因剂量限制性肾毒性及低剂量可能出现治疗失败和耐药性,临床上迫切需要通过治疗药物监测(TDM)优化其使用。多黏菌素B TDM专家共识以及规范操作程序的制定将有助于确保TDM的准确性并为其合理使用提供依据。中国药理学学会治疗药物监测研究专业委员会及上海医学会感染与化疗专科分会共同发起制定多黏菌素B的TDM专家共识。共识小组由来自中国不同省份的临床药学、临床医学和临床微生物学专家,及两位澳大利亚莫纳什大学专家组成,就多黏菌素B进行TDM的目标浓度、样本采集、测定、报告和TDM结果解释提出了建议。该指南共识的制定旨在指导多黏菌素B的个体化精准治疗。

关键词:多黏菌素B; 治疗药物监测(TDM); 药动学; 临床疗效

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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