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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B 2023 Vol.24 No.10 P.896-904


Third molar-related knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and medical history of 904 Chinese adults: a cross-sectional survey

Author(s):  Honglei QU, Yang YANG, Yi TIAN, Zhibang LI, Lijuan SUN, Faming CHEN, Beimin TIAN

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Military Stomatology, National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases, School of Stomatology, the Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an 710032, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   cfmsunhh@fmmu.edu.cn, beimin24@163.com

Key Words:  Third molar, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Medical history, Prevalence

Honglei QU, Yang YANG, Yi TIAN, Zhibang LI, Lijuan SUN, Faming CHEN, Beimin TIAN. Third molar-related knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and medical history of 904 Chinese adults: a cross-sectional survey[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2023, 24(10): 896-904.

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%T Third molar-related knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and medical history of 904 Chinese adults: a cross-sectional survey
%A Honglei QU
%A Yang YANG
%A Zhibang LI
%A Lijuan SUN
%A Faming CHEN
%A Beimin TIAN
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B
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A1 - Honglei QU
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A1 - Yi TIAN
A1 - Zhibang LI
A1 - Lijuan SUN
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This study investigated the perceptions and medical history of third molars (M3s) and assessed the prevalence of visible M3s (V-M3s) among 904 Chinese adults. The enrolled participants were interviewed to complete a structural questionnaire focused on sociodemographic information and their understanding of, attitudes toward, behaviors regarding, and medical history with respect to M3s. In addition, the number of V-M3s in the cohort was determined by oral examination. Logistic regression analysis was performed to explore the association between individuals’ sociodemographic characteristics and their perception of M3s or the presence of V-M3s. The Chi-square test was used to compare the actions taken against symptomatic M3s and the corresponding outcomes among different groups divided according to respondents’ sociodemographic factors. In total, 904 completed questionnaires were gathered and analyzed. Nearly half (43.9%) of the respondents knew nothing about M3s, and only 12.7% provided correct answers to all the questions asked. Male sex, older age, occupation involving physical labor, and no previous dental experience were active factors in unawareness of M3s. Male sex was also significantly associated with the presence of at least one V-M3 and negative behavior about symptomatic M3s. In terms of medical history, 192 participants reported having had at least one M3 extracted (438 in total), and 72.6% of the M3s were removed due to the presence of related symptoms or pathologies. In conclusion, the population investigated had a shortage of knowledge about M3s and adopted negative attitudes and actions about M3-related problems.


摘要:本研究调查了904 名中国成年人对第三磨牙(M3s)的认知度和病史,并探究了可见第三磨牙(V-M3s)的分布情况。所有研究对象均通过面对面采访的形式完成一份结构严谨的调查问卷,以收集他们的社会人口学信息、M3s相关知识、态度、行为和病史。此外,通过口腔检查确定该人群中V-M3s的数量。运用逻辑回归分析,评估研究对象的社会人口学特征与他们对M3s的认知度或与V-M3s 的存在之间的关系。根据受访者的社会人口学因素进行分组,采用卡方检验比较不同人群对有症状M3s采取的措施及相应结果。本研究共收集并分析了904份完整的调查问卷,结果显示,近一半(43.9%)受访者对M3s一无所知,只有12.7%的受访者对所有问题均给出了正确答案。男性、年龄较大、从事体力劳动的职业和无牙科就诊经验是对M3s认知度较差的风险因素。男性这一性别也与至少一颗V-M3s存在以及对有症状的M3s采取消极行为显著相关。在病史方面,192名受访者拔除过至少一颗M3s(合计438颗),其中72.6%是因为存在相关症状或病变。综上,被调查人群缺乏对M3s的了解,且对M3s所造成的相关问题采取了较为消极的态度和行动。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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