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On-line Access: 2024-08-27
Received: 2023-10-17
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Citations: Bibtex RefMan EndNote GB/T7714
Qianli JIA, Yaoyao LIU, Shiya LV, Yiding WANG, Peiyao JIAO, Wei XU, Zhaojie XU, Mixia WANG, Xinxia CAI. Wireless closed-loop deep brain stimulation using microelectrode array probes[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2024, 25(10): 803-823.
@article{title="Wireless closed-loop deep brain stimulation using microelectrode array probes",
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%T Wireless closed-loop deep brain stimulation using microelectrode array probes
%A Qianli JIA
%A Yaoyao LIU
%A Shiya LV
%A Yiding WANG
%A Peiyao JIAO
%A Wei XU
%A Zhaojie XU
%A Mixia WANG
%A Xinxia CAI
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B
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%D 2024
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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T1 - Wireless closed-loop deep brain stimulation using microelectrode array probes
A1 - Qianli JIA
A1 - Yaoyao LIU
A1 - Shiya LV
A1 - Yiding WANG
A1 - Peiyao JIAO
A1 - Wei XU
A1 - Zhaojie XU
A1 - Mixia WANG
A1 - Xinxia CAI
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.B2300400
Abstract: deep brain stimulation (DBS), including optical stimulation and electrical stimulation, has been demonstrated considerable value in exploring pathological brain activity and developing treatments for neural disorders. Advances in DBS microsystems based on implantable microelectrode array (MEA) probes have opened up new opportunities for closed-loop DBS (CL-DBS) in situ. This technology can be used to detect damaged brain circuits and test the therapeutic potential for modulating the output of these circuits in a variety of diseases simultaneously. Despite the success and rapid utilization of MEA probe-based CL-DBS microsystems, key challenges, including excessive wired communication, need to be urgently resolved. In this review, we considered recent advances in MEA probe-based wireless CL-DBS microsystems and outlined the major issues and promising prospects in this field. This technology has the potential to offer novel therapeutic options for psychiatric disorders in the future.
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