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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C 2011 Vol.12 No.5 P.404-416


Effect of orbital errors on the geosynchronous circular synthetic aperture radar imaging and interferometric processing

Author(s):  Lei-lei Kou, Xiao-qing Wang, Mao-sheng Xiang, Jin-song Chong, Min-hui Zhu

Affiliation(s):  National Key Laboratory of Microwave Imaging Technology, Institute of Electronics, Beijing 100190, China, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China

Corresponding email(s):   cassie320@163.com

Key Words:  Geosynchronous circular synthetic aperture radar (GEOCSAR), Orbit error, Imaging, Interferometric processing

Lei-lei Kou, Xiao-qing Wang, Mao-sheng Xiang, Jin-song Chong, Min-hui Zhu. Effect of orbital errors on the geosynchronous circular synthetic aperture radar imaging and interferometric processing[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science C, 2011, 12(5): 404-416.

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%0 Journal Article
%T Effect of orbital errors on the geosynchronous circular synthetic aperture radar imaging and interferometric processing
%A Lei-lei Kou
%A Xiao-qing Wang
%A Mao-sheng Xiang
%A Jin-song Chong
%A Min-hui Zhu
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C
%V 12
%N 5
%P 404-416
%@ 1869-1951
%D 2011
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.C1000170

T1 - Effect of orbital errors on the geosynchronous circular synthetic aperture radar imaging and interferometric processing
A1 - Lei-lei Kou
A1 - Xiao-qing Wang
A1 - Mao-sheng Xiang
A1 - Jin-song Chong
A1 - Min-hui Zhu
J0 - Journal of Zhejiang University Science C
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EP - 416
%@ 1869-1951
Y1 - 2011
PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
ER -
DOI - 10.1631/jzus.C1000170

The geosynchronous circular synthetic aperture radar (GEOCSAR) is an innovative SAR system, which can produce high resolution three-dimensional (3D) images and has the potential to provide 3D deformation measurement. With an orbit altitude of approximately 36 000 km, the orbit motion and orbit disturbance effects of GEOCSAR behave differently from those of the conventional spaceborne SAR. In this paper, we analyze the effects of orbit errors on GEOCSAR imaging and interferometric processing. First, we present the GEOCSAR imaging geometry and the orbit errors model based on perturbation analysis. Then, we give the GEOCSAR signal formulation based on imaging geometry, and analyze the effect of the orbit error on the output focused signal. By interferometric processing on the 3D reconstructed images, the relationship between satellite orbit errors and the interferometric phase is deduced. Simulations demonstrate the effects of orbit errors on the GEOCSAR images, interferograms, and the deformations. The conclusions are that the required relative accuracy of orbit estimation should be at centimeter level for GEOCSAR imaging at L-band, and that millimeter-scale accuracy is needed for GEOCSAR interferometric processing.

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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