Deep search:Searching for "Hong ZHANG" in 'AUTHORGot 47 items.
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16Is there a difference in cognitive development between preschool singletons and twins born after intracytop...
Author(s):Lan-feng Xing, Yu-li Qian, Lu-ting...  Clicked:7195  Download:3417  Cited:7  <Full Text>
Journal of Zhejiang University Science B  2014 Vol.15 No.1 P.51-57  DOI:10.1631/jzus.B1300229
17Expression profiles of miRNAs in Gossypium raimondii
Author(s):Jun Ma, Teng-long Guo, Qing-lian W...  Clicked:5064  Download:2843  Cited:5  <Full Text>  <PPT> 2047
Journal of Zhejiang University Science B  2015 Vol.16 No.4 P.296-303  DOI:10.1631/jzus.B1400277
18Retraction Note to: Characterization of cancer stem-like cells in the side population cells of human gastri...
Author(s):Hai-hong Zhang, Ai-zhen Cai, Xue-m...  Clicked:5621  Download:2429  Cited:0  <Full Text>
Journal of Zhejiang University Science B  2014 Vol.15 No.11 P.1012-1012  DOI:10.1631/jzus.B12r0102
19A field study on the behavior of static drill rooted nodular piles with caps under compression
Author(s):Jia-jin Zhou, Xiao-nan Gong, Kui-h...  Clicked:6133  Download:3659  Cited:4  <Full Text>  <PPT> 2756
Journal of Zhejiang University Science A  2015 Vol.16 No.12 P.951-963  DOI:10.1631/jzus.A1500168
20Apigenin-7-O-β-D-glycoside isolation from the highly copper-tolerant plant Elsholt...
Author(s):Hong-yun Peng, Xue-hong Zhang, Jin...  Clicked:5431  Download:2955  Cited:0  <Full Text>  <PPT> 2107
Journal of Zhejiang University Science B  2016 Vol.17 No.6 P.447-454  DOI:10.1631/jzus.B1500242
21Dynamic characteristics analysis of a misaligned rotor–bearing system with squeeze film dampers
Author(s):Liang Ma, Jun-hong Zhang, Jie-wei ...  Clicked:6521  Download:4329  Cited:3  <Full Text>  <PPT> 2355
Journal of Zhejiang University Science A  2016 Vol.17 No.8 P.614-631  DOI:10.1631/jzus.A1500111
22A genome-wide analysis of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2/LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES (AS2/LOB) gene fami...
Author(s):Bao-jian Guo, Jun Wang, Shen Lin, ...  Clicked:5291  Download:2954  Cited:2  <Full Text>  <PPT> 2021
Journal of Zhejiang University Science B  2016 Vol.17 No.10 P.763-774  DOI:10.1631/jzus.B1500277
23Application of complete ensemble intrinsic time-scale decomposition and least-square SVM optimized using hy...
Author(s):Jun-hong Zhang, Yu Liu  Clicked:7970  Download:3156  Cited:0  <Full Text>  <PPT> 2106
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2017 Vol.18 No.2 P.272-286  DOI:10.1631/FITEE.1500337
24Numerical model and multi-objective optimization analysis of vehicle vibration
Author(s):Peng Guo, Jun-hong Zhang  Clicked:5218  Download:3614  Cited:1  <Full Text>  <PPT> 1796
Journal of Zhejiang University Science A  2017 Vol.18 No.5 P.393-412  DOI:10.1631/jzus.A1600124
25Measurement and analysis of content diffusion characteristics in opportunity environments with Spark
Author(s):Xiao-hong Zhang, Kai Qian, Jian-ji...  Clicked:5583  Download:1840  Cited:0  <Full Text>  <PPT> 1598
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2019 Vol.20 No.10 P.1404-1414  DOI:10.1631/FITEE.1900137
26A comprehensive evaluation method of diesel engine sound quality based on paired comparison, uniform design...
Author(s):Wen-yun He, Jun-hong Zhang, Jian W...  Clicked:5730  Download:2896  Cited:0  <Full Text>  <PPT> 2098
Journal of Zhejiang University Science A  2017 Vol.18 No.7 P.531-544  DOI:10.1631/jzus.A1600025
27Physiological characterization, transcriptomic profiling, and microsatellite marker mining of Lycium rut...
Author(s):Jin-huan Chen, Dong-zhi Zhang, Cho...  Clicked:4620  Download:2561  Cited:0  <Full Text>  <PPT> 1809
Journal of Zhejiang University Science B  2017 Vol.18 No.11 P.1002-1021  DOI:10.1631/jzus.B1700135
28A simplified nonlinear calculation method to describe the settlement of pre-bored grouting planted nodular ...
Author(s):Jia-jin Zhou, Xiao-nan Gong, Kui-h...  Clicked:5490  Download:3292  Cited:0  <Full Text>  <PPT> 2207
Journal of Zhejiang University Science A  2017 Vol.18 No.11 P.895-909  DOI:10.1631/jzus.A1600640
29Effect of cemented soil properties on the behavior of pre-bored grouted planted nodular piles under compres...
Author(s):Jia-jin Zhou, Xiao-nan Gong, Kui-h...  Clicked:6717  Download:2790  Cited:0  <Full Text>  <PPT> 2101
Journal of Zhejiang University Science A  2018 Vol.19 No.7 P.534-543  DOI:10.1631/jzus.A1700118
30An oriental melon 9-lipoxygenase gene CmLOX09 response to stresses, hormones, and signal substances
Author(s):Li-Jun Ju, Chong Zhang, Jing-Jing ...  Clicked:4164  Download:2449  Cited:0  <Full Text>  <PPT> 1781
Journal of Zhejiang University Science B  2018 Vol.19 No.8 P.596-609  DOI:10.1631/jzus.B1700388
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