CLC number: TK83
On-line Access: 2024-08-27
Received: 2023-10-17
Revision Accepted: 2024-05-08
Crosschecked: 2015-06-16
Cited: 2
Clicked: 5890
Citations: Bibtex RefMan EndNote GB/T7714
Jian-wen Wang, Ren-yu Yuan, Xue-qing Dong, San-xia Zhang, Yang Song, Zhi-ying Gao, Kun Luo, Kun-zan Qiu, Ming-jiang Ni, Ke-fa Cen. Time resolved particle image velocimetry experimental study of the near wake characteristics of a horizontal axis wind turbine[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A,in press.Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering,in press. @article{title="Time resolved particle image velocimetry experimental study of the near wake characteristics of a horizontal axis wind turbine", %0 Journal Article TY - JOUR
Abstract: This manuscript uses PIV system to measure the turbulent characteristics in the near wake region of a horizontal wind turbine. It provides important information that is likely valuable to those designing wind turbines. The authors have revised the manuscript according the reviewer's comments.
基于时间分辨粒子图像测速技术的水平轴风力机近尾迹特性的实验研究创新点:将时间分辨粒子图像测速技术应用于风力机近尾迹测量可以捕捉到较高时间分辨率和高精度的流动信息,进而揭示风力机近尾迹详细的流动机理。 方法:实验在风洞里面进行,利用时间分辨粒子图像测速技术获得风力机瞬时流场(图1~3),通过调节风力机配套电机的负荷输出可以得到不同的运行尖速比。对测量得到的瞬时速度的后处理可以得到瞬时涡量以及湍动能和雷诺应力的时均值。 结论:1.风力机近尾迹区域沿径向可分为速度增益区、速度保持区和速度亏损区,不同尖速比下速度恢复到主流速度的径向位置基本相同;2.在后半个半径长度区域内,径向平均速度沿径向方向有增加的趋势,而在叶尖以上,径向平均速度沿径向减小;3.近尾迹湍动能在径向方向上0.3倍和0.9倍半径高度处会出现峰值,而在0.6倍半径附近位置会出现湍动能最低值;4.在风力机近尾迹,雷诺剪切应力小于雷诺正应力,在叶根附近,轴向雷诺正应力大于径向雷诺正应力以及雷诺剪切应力,而在叶尖处,径向雷诺正应力大于轴向雷诺正应力以及雷诺剪切应力。 关键词组: Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article
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