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Lutz Auersch


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2021 Vol.22 No.1 P.21-36


Dynamic track-soil interaction—calculations and measurements of slab and ballast tracks

Author(s):  Lutz Auersch, Samir Said

Affiliation(s):  Federal Institute of Material Research and Testing, Berlin 12200, Germany

Corresponding email(s):   lutz.auersch-saworski@bam.de, samir.said@bam.de

Key Words:  Slab track, Ballast track, Train passage, Hammer impact, Track-soil interaction

Lutz Auersch, Samir Said. Dynamic track-soil interaction—calculations and measurements of slab and ballast tracks[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2021, 22(1): 21-36.

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%T Dynamic track-soil interaction—calculations and measurements of slab and ballast tracks
%A Lutz Auersch
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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The dynamic behaviour of slab and ballast tracks was investigated using measurements and calculations. hammer impacts and train passages were analysed and measurements were made using geophones (velocity transducers) which had been time-integrated to displacements. The calculations were carried out in the frequency-wavenumber domain for multi-beam-on-continuous soil models. The characteristics of the different tracks and track elements were established in theory and by experiment. The frequency-dependent compliances (displacement transfer functions) showed clear rail-on-railpad resonances or highly damped track-soil resonances. Compared to the rail and sleeper, the track slab had much lower amplitudes. The slab track usually had the highest rail amplitudes due to soft railpads. train passage yielded track displacements which were a superposition of the axle loads from the two neighbouring axles of a bogie and from the two bogies of two neighbouring carriages. This global behaviour was characteristic of the track slab of the slab track, whereas the rails of the slab and the ballast tracks behaved more locally with only one bogie of influence. The measurements agreed very well with the theory of continuous soil in the case of the six measured slab tracks and acceptably well for the six measured ballast tracks. The measurements allowed us to find appropriate model parameters and to check the models. For example, the Winkler model of the soil was found to be less appropriate because it reacted more locally.


创新点:1. 对多梁连续土体模型进行了频率波数域计算,研究了板式轨道和有砟轨道的动态特性;2. 针对锤击荷载和列车动载两种工况,使用可对位移进行时间积分的检波器(速度传感器)进行了测试,并基于理论和试验研究分析了不同轨道和轨道部件的振动特性.
方法:1. 通过在频率-波数域对多梁连续土体模型的计算以及对锤击荷载和列车动载两种工况的测试,分析板式轨道和有砟轨道的动态特性;2. 将不同轨道和轨道单元的柔度分别作为频率相关传递函数进行分析.
结论:1. 对于板式轨道,软轨下胶垫的钢轨出现了清晰的共振;测量得到的振幅和相位的剧烈下降可以解释为轨道-道砟或轨道-土体的高阻尼共振,即假定道砟与轨枕之间有软接触.2. 土体对有砟轨道和轨道板的低频振动特性有较大的影响;板式轨道的轨道板的柔度最小,整体变形最大,而板式轨道的钢轨的柔度最大,局部变形最大.3. 测试结果与计算结果基本一致;如果轨道模型的参数选取合适,则两者在许多细节上也较为吻合.


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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