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Bio-Design and Manufacturing  2021 Vol.4 No.3 P.479-489


Novel assisted cough system based on simulating cough airflow dynamics

Author(s):  Shuai Ren, Jinglong Niu, Maolin Cai, Liming Hao, Yan Shi, Weiqing Xu & Zujin Luo

Affiliation(s):  School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   shiyan@buaa.edu.cn, xmjg2002@163.com

Key Words:  Airflow dynamics, Pneumatic system, Simulated cough, Model identification, Airway secretion clearance

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Shuai Ren, Jinglong Niu, Maolin Cai, Liming Hao, Yan Shi, Weiqing Xu & Zujin Luo. Novel assisted cough system based on simulating cough airflow dynamics[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science D, 2021, 4(3): 479-489.

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%T Novel assisted cough system based on simulating cough airflow dynamics
%A Shuai Ren
%A Jinglong Niu
%A Maolin Cai
%A Liming Hao
%A Yan Shi
%A Weiqing Xu & Zujin Luo
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE D
%V 4
%N 3
%P 479-489
%@ 1869-1951
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1007/s42242-021-00132-9

T1 - Novel assisted cough system based on simulating cough airflow dynamics
A1 - Shuai Ren
A1 - Jinglong Niu
A1 - Maolin Cai
A1 - Liming Hao
A1 - Yan Shi
A1 - Weiqing Xu & Zujin Luo
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Cough is a defensive behavior that protects the respiratory system from infection and clears airway secretions. Cough airflow dynamics have been analyzed by a variety of mathematical and experimental tools. In this paper, the cough airflow dynamics of 42 subjects were obtained and analyzed. An identification model based on piecewise Gauss function for cough airflow dynamics is proposed through the dimensionless method, which could achieve over 90% identification accuracy. Meanwhile, an assisted cough system based on pneumatic flow servo system is presented. The vacuum situation and feedback control are used to increase the simulated peak cough flow rate, which are important for airway secretion clearance and to avoid airway collapse, respectively. The simulated cough peak flow could reach 5 L/s without the external assistance such as manual pressing, patient cooperation and other means. Finally, the backstepping control is developed to generate a simulated cough airflow that closely mimics the natural cough airflow of humans. The assisted cough system opens up wide opportunities of practical application in airway secretion clearance for critically ill patients with COVID 2019 and other pulmonary diseases.

北航石岩、任帅等 | 基于模拟人体咳嗽气流动态特性的新型辅助咳嗽系统

本研究论文聚焦基于模拟人体咳嗽气流动态特性的新型辅助咳嗽系统。咳嗽是人体呼吸系统的一种保护性反射,能够有效防止呼吸系统的感染并清除气道内的分泌物。咳嗽气流的动态特性已通过各种数学和实验的方式进行了分析研究。本文对42名志愿者的咳嗽气流进行采集和分析,通过无因次化方法,提出一种基于高斯分段函数的咳嗽气流辨识模型,辨识精度能够超过90%。此外,本文提出一种基于气动流量伺服系统的辅助咳嗽系统。咳嗽峰值流量对气道分泌物的清除具有重要作用,该系统采用真空环境来增加咳嗽峰值流量,另外采用反馈控制方式避免呼吸道塌陷。在没有外界辅助(如人工按压、病人配合以及其他手段)情况下,该系统产生的模拟咳嗽峰值流量能够达到5 L/s。最后,本文设计了该系统的反步控制方法,使系统能够产生模拟人体自然咳嗽的模拟咳嗽气流。该辅助咳嗽系统为危重症新型冠状病毒肺炎患者和其他肺部疾病患者的气道分泌物清除开创了广泛的实际应用机会。

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article

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