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Bio-Design and Manufacturing  2021 Vol.4 No.4 P.867-878


4D printing ofPLA/PCL shape memory composites withcontrollable sequential deformation

Author(s):  SuqianMa, ZeyuJiang, MengWang, LanZhang, YunhongLiang, ZhihuiZhang, LeiRen, LuquanRen

Affiliation(s):  The Key Laboratory ofBionic Engineering, Ministry ofEducation, Jilin University, Changchun130025, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   liangyunhong@jlu.edu.cn

Key Words:  4D printing, Shape memory polymer, Temperature-responsive, Polylactic acid, Polycaprolactone

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SuqianMa, ZeyuJiang, MengWang, LanZhang, YunhongLiang, ZhihuiZhang, LeiRen, LuquanRen. 4D printing ofPLA/PCL shape memory composites withcontrollable sequential deformation[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science D, 2021, 4(4): 867-878.

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%T 4D printing ofPLA/PCL shape memory composites withcontrollable sequential deformation
%A SuqianMa
%A ZeyuJiang
%A MengWang
%A LanZhang
%A YunhongLiang
%A ZhihuiZhang
%A LeiRen
%A LuquanRen
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE D
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%P 867-878
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1007/s42242-021-00151-6

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A1 - ZeyuJiang
A1 - MengWang
A1 - LanZhang
A1 - YunhongLiang
A1 - ZhihuiZhang
A1 - LeiRen
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shape memory polymers (SMPs) are a promising class of materials for biomedical applications due to their favorable mechanical properties, fast response, and good biocompatibility. However, it is difcult to achieve controllable sequential shape change for most SMPs due to their high deformation temperature and the simplex deformation process. Herein, shape memory composites based on polylactic acid (PLA) matrix and semi-crystalline linear polymer polycaprolactone (PCL) are fabricated using 4D printing technology. Compared with pure PLA, with the rise of PCL content, the 4D-printed PLA/ PCL composites show decreased glass transition temperature (Tg) from 67.2 to 55.2C. Through the precise control of the deformation condition, controllable sequential deformation with an outstanding shape memory efect can be achieved for the PLA/PCL shape memory composites. The response time of shape recovery is less than 1.2s, and the shape fxation/recov-ery rates are above 92%. In order to simulate sequential petal opening and sequential drug releasing efects, a double-layer bionic fower and a drug release device, respectively, are presented by assembling PLA/PCL samples with diferent PLA/ PCL ratios. The results indicate the potential applications of 4D-printed PLA/PCL composites in the feld of bio-inspired robotics and biomedical devices.

吉林大学马愫倩、梁云虹、任露泉、王萌等 | 4D打印PLA/PCL形状记忆复合材料的可控连续变形

本研究论文聚焦4D打印PLA/PCL形状记忆复合材料的可控连续变形。由于形状记忆聚合物(SMPs)具备良好的力学性能,快速的响应时间和良好的生物相容性,因此是一种很有前途的生物医学应用材料。然而,由于SMP的变形温度高且变形过程单一,其很难实现可控的连续形状变化。鉴于此,本文采用4D打印技术制备了基于聚乳酸(PLA)基体和半结晶线型聚合物聚己内酯(PCL)的形状记忆复合材料。与单纯PLA相比,随着PCL含量的增加,4D打印PLA/PCL复合材料的玻璃化转变温度从67.2 ℃降低到55.2 ℃。通过对变形条件的精确控制,PLA/PCL形状记忆复合材料可以实现具有优异形状记忆效果的可控顺序变形。形状恢复的响应时间小于1.2 s,形状回复率在92%以上。为了模拟花瓣开放和药物释放的顺序效应,本文通过组装不同PLA/PCL比例的PLA/PCL样品,设计了一种双层仿生花和一种药物释放装置。结果表明,4D打印PLA/PCL复合材料在仿生机器人和生物医学设备领域具有潜在的应用前景。

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