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Bio-Design and Manufacturing  2023 Vol.6 No.4 P.451-463


3D printing of personalized polylactic acid scaffold laden with GelMA/autologous auricle cartilage to promote ear reconstruction

Author(s):  Xingyu Gui, Zhiyu Peng, Ping Song, Li Chen, Xiujuan Xu, Hairui Li, Pei Tang, Yixi Wang, Zixuan Su, Qingquan Kong, Zhenyu Zhang, Zhengyong Li, Ying Cen, Changchun Zhou, Yujiang Fan & Xingdong Zhang

Affiliation(s):  National Engineering Research Center for Biomaterials, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   changchunzhou@scu.edu.cn, yujiang.fan@163.com

Key Words:  Microtia, 3D printing, Polylactic acid (PLA) polymer scaffolds, Gelatin methacrylamide, Cartilage reconstruction

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Xingyu Gui, Zhiyu Peng, Ping Song, Li Chen, Xiujuan Xu, Hairui Li, Pei Tang, Yixi Wang, Zixuan Su, Qingquan Kong, Zhenyu Zhang, Zhengyong Li, Ying Cen, Changchun Zhou, Yujiang Fan & Xingdong Zhang . 3D printing of personalized polylactic acid scaffold laden with GelMA/autologous auricle cartilage to promote ear reconstruction[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science D, 2023, 6(4): 451-463.

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%T 3D printing of personalized polylactic acid scaffold laden with GelMA/autologous auricle cartilage to promote ear reconstruction
%A Xingyu Gui
%A Zhiyu Peng
%A Ping Song
%A Li Chen
%A Xiujuan Xu
%A Hairui Li
%A Pei Tang
%A Yixi Wang
%A Zixuan Su
%A Qingquan Kong
%A Zhenyu Zhang
%A Zhengyong Li
%A Ying Cen
%A Changchun Zhou
%A Yujiang Fan & Xingdong Zhang
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T1 - 3D printing of personalized polylactic acid scaffold laden with GelMA/autologous auricle cartilage to promote ear reconstruction
A1 - Xingyu Gui
A1 - Zhiyu Peng
A1 - Ping Song
A1 - Li Chen
A1 - Xiujuan Xu
A1 - Hairui Li
A1 - Pei Tang
A1 - Yixi Wang
A1 - Zixuan Su
A1 - Qingquan Kong
A1 - Zhenyu Zhang
A1 - Zhengyong Li
A1 - Ying Cen
A1 - Changchun Zhou
A1 - Yujiang Fan & Xingdong Zhang
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At present, the clinical reconstruction of the auricle usually adopts the strategy of taking autologous costal cartilage. This method has great trauma to patients, poor plasticity and inaccurate shaping. Three-dimensional (3D) printing technology has made a great breakthrough in the clinical application of orthopedic implants. This study explored the combination of 3D printing and tissue engineering to precisely reconstruct the auricle. First, a polylactic acid (PLA) polymer scaffold with a precisely customized patient appearance was fabricated, and then auricle cartilage fragments were loaded into the 3D-printed porous PLA scaffold to promote auricle reconstruction. In vitro, gelatin methacrylamide (GelMA) hydrogels loaded with different sizes of rabbit ear cartilage fragments were studied to assess the regenerative activity of various autologous cartilage fragments. In vivo, rat ear cartilage fragments were placed in an accurately designed porous PLA polymer ear scaffold to promote auricle reconstruction. The results indicated that the chondrocytes in the cartilage fragments could maintain the morphological phenotype in vitro. After three months of implantation observation, it was conducive to promoting the subsequent regeneration of cartilage in vivo. The autologous cartilage fragments combined with 3D printing technology show promising potential in auricle reconstruction.

四川大学樊渝江周长春团队 | 3D打印个性化聚乳酸支架复合GelMA自体耳廓软骨碎片以促进耳廓重建


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article

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