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Bio-Design and Manufacturing  2021 Vol.4 No.4 P.851-866


A novel wavy non‑uniform ligament chiral stent with J‑shaped stress–strain behavior to mimic the native trachea

Author(s):  Jiapeng Liu, Xinhua Yao, Zhenwei Wang, Jian Ye, Congcong Luan, Jianzhong Fu, Yong He

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems, College of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   yaoxinhuazju@gmail.com, yejianchi@126.com

Key Words:  Tracheobronchial stenosis, Tracheal stent, Chiral auxetic structure, Wavy non-uniform ligament, J-shaped stress–strain behavior, Negative Poisson’s ratio

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Jiapeng Liu, Xinhua Yao, Zhenwei Wang, Jian Ye, Congcong Luan, Jianzhong Fu, Yong He. A novel wavy non‑uniform ligament chiral stent with J‑shaped stress–strain behavior to mimic the native trachea[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science D, 2021, 4(4): 851-866.

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%T A novel wavy non‑uniform ligament chiral stent with J‑shaped stress–strain behavior to mimic the native trachea
%A Jiapeng Liu
%A Xinhua Yao
%A Zhenwei Wang
%A Jian Ye
%A Congcong Luan
%A Jianzhong Fu
%A Yong He
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE D
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A1 - Xinhua Yao
A1 - Zhenwei Wang
A1 - Jian Ye
A1 - Congcong Luan
A1 - Jianzhong Fu
A1 - Yong He
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tracheal stents are an important form of treatment for benign or malignant central airway obstruction. However, the mechani-cal behavior of current tracheal stents is signifcantly diferent from that of the native trachea, which leads to a variety of serious complications. In this study, inspired by the structure of the native trachea, a wavy non-uniform ligament chiral tracheal stent is proposed, in which J-shaped stress–strain behavior and negative Poisson's ratio response are achieved by replacing the tangential ligament of tetrachiral and anti-tetrachiral hybrid structure with a wavy non-uniform ligament. Through the combination of theoretical analysis, fnite element analysis and experimental tests, a wide range of desired J-shaped stress–strain curves are explored to mimic the native porcine trachea by tailoring the stent geometry. Besides, the negative Poisson's ratio and auxetic diameter curves versus axial strain of the stent are also studied in detail, thus contribut-ing to the enhancement of cross-section ventilation and reducing the migration of the stent. This novel tracheal stent with a unique microstructure shows a potential to perfectly match the physiological activities of the native trachea and thereby reduce potential complications.

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