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Bio-Design and Manufacturing  2022 Vol.5 No.3 P.451-464


Customizable design of multiple-biomolecule delivery platform for enhanced osteogenic responses via ‘tailored assembly system’

Author(s):  Hyun Lee, Min-Kyu Lee, Ginam Han, Hyoun-Ee Kim, Juha Song, Yuhyeon Na, Chang-Bun Yoon, SeKwon Oh, Tae-Sik Jang & Hyun-Do Jung

Affiliation(s):  Department of Biomedical-Chemical Engineering, Catholic University of Korea, Bucheon 14662, Republic of Korea ; more

Corresponding email(s):   tsjang@chosun.ac.kr, hdjung@catholic.ac.kr

Key Words:  Functionally graded porous titanium scaffold, Tailored assembly system, Tailored assembly system, Multiple-biomolecule delivery, Bone tissue engineering

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Hyun Lee, Min-Kyu Lee, Ginam Han, Hyoun-Ee Kim, Juha Song, Yuhyeon Na, Chang-Bun Yoon, SeKwon Oh, Tae-Sik Jang & Hyun-Do Jung. Customizable design of multiple-biomolecule delivery platform for enhanced osteogenic responses via ‘tailored assembly system’[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science D, 2022, 5(3): 451-464.

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%T Customizable design of multiple-biomolecule delivery platform for enhanced osteogenic responses via ‘tailored assembly system’
%A Hyun Lee
%A Min-Kyu Lee
%A Ginam Han
%A Hyoun-Ee Kim
%A Juha Song
%A Yuhyeon Na
%A Chang-Bun Yoon
%A SeKwon Oh
%A Tae-Sik Jang & Hyun-Do Jung
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%DOI 10.1007/s42242-022-00190-7

T1 - Customizable design of multiple-biomolecule delivery platform for enhanced osteogenic responses via ‘tailored assembly system’
A1 - Hyun Lee
A1 - Min-Kyu Lee
A1 - Ginam Han
A1 - Hyoun-Ee Kim
A1 - Juha Song
A1 - Yuhyeon Na
A1 - Chang-Bun Yoon
A1 - SeKwon Oh
A1 - Tae-Sik Jang & Hyun-Do Jung
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Porous titanium (Ti) scaffolds have been extensively utilized as bone substitute scaffolds due to their superior biocompatibility and excellent mechanical properties. However, naturally formed TiO2 on the surface limits fast osseointegration. Different biomolecules have been widely utilized to overcome this issue; however, homogeneous porous Ti scaffolds could not simultaneously deliver multiple biomolecules that have different release behaviors. In this study, functionally graded porous Ti scaffolds (FGPTs) with dense inner and porous outer parts were fabricated using a two-body combination and densification procedure. FGPTs with growth factor (BMP-2) and antibiotics (TCH) exhibited suitable mechanical properties as bone substituting material and presented good structural stability. The release of BMP-2 was considerably prolonged, whereas the release of TCH was comparable to that of homogenous porous titanium scaffolds (control group). The osteogenic differentiation obtained using FGPTs was maintained due to the prolonged release of BMP-2. The antimicrobial properties of these scaffolds were verified using S. aureus in terms of prior release time. In addition, various candidates for graded porous Ti scaffolds with altered pore characteristics were presented.

韩国加图立大学Hyun-Do Jung等 | 可定制的多生物分子递送平台设计:通过“定制装配系统”增强成骨反应

本研究论文聚焦三维(3D)打印的金属骨支架设计及其成骨效果的优化。多孔钛(Ti)支架因其优越的生物相容性和良好的机械特性而被广泛应用于骨替代支架。然而,表面自然形成的TiO2限制了快速的骨整合。不同的生物分子已被广泛应用于克服这一问题; 然而,均质多孔钛支架不能同时传递多个具有不同释放行为的生物分子。在本研究中,采用二体结合和致密化的方法制备了内致密外多孔的功能分级多孔钛支架(FGPTs)。添加生长因子(BMP-2)和抗生素(TCH)的FGPTs作为骨替代材料具有良好的力学性能,同时具有良好的结构稳定性。BMP-2的释放时间非常持久,而TCH的释放与均质多孔钛支架(对照组)中相当。由于BMP-2释放时间的延长,使用FGPTs获得的成骨分化得以维持。根据前期释放时间,使用金黄色葡萄球菌对这些支架的抗菌特性进行验证。此外,提出了带有不同的孔隙特征的分级多孔钛支架的候选材料。

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article

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