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Bio-Design and Manufacturing  2023 Vol.6 No.2 P.204-215


Bio-manufacturing innovation lights up the future

Author(s):  Liang Ma & Huayong Yang

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   liangma@zju.edu.cn

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Liang Ma & Huayong Yang . Bio-manufacturing innovation lights up the future[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science D, 2023, 6(2): 204-215.

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Bio-manufacturing, a frontier interdisciplinary subject, is a promising field full of creative thinking and innovation. In order to create a platform for young scientists and students in the bio-manufacturing field to have a good chance of communication and discussion, based on the success of First Bio-Design & Manufacturing Youth Forum in 2021, the Second Bio-Design & Manufacturing Youth Forum chaired by the editor-in-chief Academician Huayong Yang and jointly sponsored by the journal of Bio-Design and Manufacturing, School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University and the State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems was successfully held in Hangzhou on November 19, 2022. Ten prestigious young scientists were invited to deliver a speech on their own research both onsite and online, and more than 400 attendants in this area from various universities and research institutes were attended. In this forum, they discussed the novel bionic design, innovative three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting process, novel biomaterials and new biomedical applications. In this report, we summarize all the hot topics delivered by the speakers and list them by the research area.

第二届生物设计与制造青年论坛 | 生物制造创新点亮未来

1. 哈佛大学Yu Shrike Zhang教授的报告题目是Vat-Polymerization Bioprinting for Tissue Fabrication,介绍了其在哈佛大学的课题组在先进的基于光投影立体生物制造领域的最新进展。
2. 中南大学帅词俊教授在线进行了题为《组织再生结构的激光增材制造研究》的报告,介绍了激光增材制造可降解植入物的打印策略。
3. 西安交通大学贺健康教授作题为《微纳生物3D打印:调控组织/细胞生长新途径》的报告,介绍了微纳3D打印技术在心肌细胞定向中的应用。
4. 西北工业大学汪焰恩教授作题为《生物陶瓷骨支架仿生结构设计与精准成型研究》的报告,系统介绍了生物陶瓷仿生骨制备的工艺与先进的结构/材料/工艺协同优化方法。
5. 东华大学游正伟教授作题为《仿生弹性体,3D打印及其生物医学应用》的报告,分享了团队在弹性体这一领域做的一些工作以及对该领域未来研究的畅想。
6. 上海交通大学崔文国教授作题为《可注射水凝胶微球促进关节软骨修复》的报告,系统回顾了团队在水凝胶微球领域的探索与医学实践。
7. 大连理工大学王华楠教授作题为《微纳基元组装水凝胶研发及再生医学应用》的精彩报告,介绍了如何通过微纳胶体材料动态组装连续多孔凝胶材料并用于组织/器官的修复重建。
8. 清华大学的张婷教授的报告题目是《血管化功能性心肌组织构建与成熟策略与机制研究》,为大家带来了血管化功能心肌组织的最新研究进展。
9. 华南理工大学施雪涛教授带来名为《生物材料在男性生殖修复领域的应用》的报告,为我们介绍了生物材料在男科这一全新领域中的广阔应用前景。
10. 浙江大学俞梦飞教授作了名为《基于生物材料和干细胞的颅颌面组织缺损修复及再生》的精彩报告,介绍了颅颌面组织缺损的功能化修复与再生中的最新研究进展。

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