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Roger Bostelman


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2017 Vol.18 No.10 P.1447-1457


Cross-industry standard test method developments: from manufacturing to wearable robots

Author(s):  Roger Bostelman, Elena Messina, Sebti Foufou

Affiliation(s):  National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA; more

Corresponding email(s):   roger.bostelman@nist.gov

Key Words:  Wearable robot, Exoskeleton, Cross-industry, Artifact, Standards, Grasping

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Roger Bostelman, Elena Messina, Sebti Foufou. Cross-industry standard test method developments: from manufacturing to wearable robots[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2017, 18(10): 1447-1457.

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%T Cross-industry standard test method developments: from manufacturing to wearable robots
%A Roger Bostelman
%A Elena Messina
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T1 - Cross-industry standard test method developments: from manufacturing to wearable robots
A1 - Roger Bostelman
A1 - Elena Messina
A1 - Sebti Foufou
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Manufacturing robotics is moving towards human-robot collaboration with light duty robots being used side by side with workers. Similarly, exoskeletons that are both passive (spring and counterbalance forces) and active (motor forces) are worn by humans and used to move body parts. exoskeletons are also called ‘wearable robots’ when they are actively controlled using a computer and integrated sensing. Safety standards now allow, through risk assessment, both manufacturing and wearable robots to be used. However, performance standards for both systems are still lacking. Ongoing research to develop standard test methods to assess the performance of manufacturing robots and emergency response robots can inspire similar test methods for exoskeletons. This paper describes recent research on performance standards for manufacturing robots as well as search and rescue robots. It also discusses how the performance of wearable robots could benefit from using the same test methods.




Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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