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Yue Wu


Zhao-qing Chen


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2015 Vol.16 No.8 P.656-668


Research on the wind-induced aero-elastic response of closed-type saddle-shaped tensioned membrane models

Author(s):  Yue Wu, Zhao-qing Chen, Xiao-ying Sun

Affiliation(s):  1Key Laboratory of Structures Dynamic Behavior and Control of Ministry of Education, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   chenzhq2004@163.com

Key Words:  Membrane structures, Wind-induced response, Aero-elastic instability, Aero-elastic model, Vortex-induced vibration

Yue Wu, Zhao-qing Chen, Xiao-ying Sun. Research on the wind-induced aero-elastic response of closed-type saddle-shaped tensioned membrane models[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2015, 16(8): 656-668.

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%T Research on the wind-induced aero-elastic response of closed-type saddle-shaped tensioned membrane models
%A Yue Wu
%A Zhao-qing Chen
%A Xiao-ying Sun
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%P 656-668
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A1 - Yue Wu
A1 - Zhao-qing Chen
A1 - Xiao-ying Sun
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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The aero-elastic instability mechanism of a tensioned membrane structure is studied in this paper. The response and wind velocities above two closed-type saddle-shaped tensioned membrane structures, with the same shape but different pre-tension levels, were measured in uniform flow and analyzed. The results indicate that, for most wind directions, several vibration modes are excited and the amplitude and damping ratio of the roof slowly increase with the on-coming flow velocity. However, for particular wind directions, only one vibration mode is excited, and the amplitude and damping ratio of the vibration mode increase slowly with the on-coming flow velocity. The aero-elastic instability is caused by vortex-induced resonance. On exceeding a certain wind speed, the amplitude of the roof vibration increases sharply and the damping ratio of the vibration mode decreases quickly to near zero; the frequency of the vortex above the roof is locked in by the vibration within a certain wind velocity range; the amplitudes of the roof in these wind directions reach 2–4 times the amplitudes for other wind directions. The reduced critical wind speeds for the aero-elastic instability of saddle-shaped membrane structures at the first two modes are around 0.8–1.0.

The paper addresses a relevant topic and describes an interesting study.


创新点:1. 采用无接触测量技术设计鞍形张拉膜结构气弹模型风洞试验;2. 研究鞍形张拉膜结构的气弹响应特征;3. 给出鞍形张拉膜结构的失稳 机理。
方法:1. 在风洞中测量两个形状相同但预张力不同的封闭式鞍形张拉膜结构气弹模型在不同风速下的均匀流中的位移响应及膜面上方不同高度的风速时程;2. 通过对位移响应及风速时程进行分析,明确结构的响应随风速变化特征及气弹失稳原因。
结论:1. 膜结构在风荷载作用下变形到平衡位置,并围绕该平衡位置以特定振幅进行振动; 2. 大部分风向角下,多个模态被激发,结构振幅及各阶模态阻尼比随风速增大而逐渐增大; 3. 特定风向角下,只有单阶模态被激发;低风速下,结构振幅和模态阻尼比随风速增大而缓慢增大;超过一定风速后,结构发生涡激共振引起的气弹失稳,振幅随风速增大开始迅速增大,达到不发生涡激共振时的2-4倍,结构阻尼比随风速增大发生迅速衰减;随着风速的继续增大,结构振动中可能出现其他模态的气弹失稳;4. 结构前两阶模态的无量纲气弹失稳临界风速约为0.8-1.0。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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