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Shuang-jun Li


Shuai Deng


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2019 Vol.20 No.11 P.882-892


Comparative analysis of thermodynamic theoretical models for energy consumption of CO2 capture

Author(s):  Shuang-jun Li, Shuai Deng, Li Zhao, Wei-cong Xu, Xiang-zhou Yuan, Yang-zhou Zhou, Ya-wen Liang

Affiliation(s):  Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Low and Medium Grade Energy (Tianjin University), Ministry of Education, Tianjin 300350, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   sdeng@tju.edu.cn, jons@tju.edu.cn

Key Words:  CO2 capture, Energy consumption, Theoretical model, Carbon pump

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Shuang-jun Li, Shuai Deng, Li Zhao, Wei-cong Xu, Xiang-zhou Yuan, Yang-zhou Zhou, Ya-wen Liang. Comparative analysis of thermodynamic theoretical models for energy consumption of CO2 capture[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2019, 20(11): 882-892.

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%T Comparative analysis of thermodynamic theoretical models for energy consumption of CO2 capture
%A Shuang-jun Li
%A Shuai Deng
%A Li Zhao
%A Wei-cong Xu
%A Xiang-zhou Yuan
%A Yang-zhou Zhou
%A Ya-wen Liang
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
%V 20
%N 11
%P 882-892
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%D 2019
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.A1900226

T1 - Comparative analysis of thermodynamic theoretical models for energy consumption of CO2 capture
A1 - Shuang-jun Li
A1 - Shuai Deng
A1 - Li Zhao
A1 - Wei-cong Xu
A1 - Xiang-zhou Yuan
A1 - Yang-zhou Zhou
A1 - Ya-wen Liang
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.A1900226

CO2 capture is considered an effective technology to control the CO2 level in the atmosphere, but its development has been restricted due to its high energy requirement during CO2 concentration. Theoretical thermodynamic models have been used not only to predict energy consumption, but also to elucidate the energy conversion mechanism. However, the existing theoretical models have been applied without a clear consideration of boundaries, conditions, and limitations in thermodynamic images. Consequently, the results from such theoretical models can lead to a misunderstanding of the energy conversion mechanism during CO2 capture. A comparative analysis of three theoretical thermodynamic models, namely the mixture gas separation (MGS), carbon pump (CP), and thermodynamic carbon pump (TCP) models, was presented in this paper. The characteristics of these models for determining the energy consumption of CO2 capture were clarified and compared in relation to their practical application. The idealization levels of these models were demonstrated through comparison of theoretical estimates of the energy required for CO2 concentration. The correctness and convenience of the CP model were proved through a comparison between the CP and MGS models. The TCP model proposed in this study was proved to approach the ideal status more closely than the CP model. Finally, an application of the TCP model was presented through a case study on direct capture of CO2 from the air (DAC).

This paper aims to investigate and compare the performance by using three thermodynamic theoretical models. Then a case study of direct capture of CO2 from air (DAC) is presented as a case study. The comparative study is quite a general screen and provides more insights to this area. It is generally well written and organised.


创新点:1. 提出热力学碳泵模型,分析碳捕集技术理想能耗; 2. 对比不同碳捕集能耗分析模型,通过案例分析说明其不同特点和理想化程度的差异.
方法:1. 通过概念比拟,类比热泵概念,提出热力学碳泵概念,并阐述碳捕集过程是通过热或功驱动的二氧化碳从低浓度向高浓度逆向富集的非自发过程(图2和3),实现碳捕集技术实质的理想化概括; 2. 通过热力学理论推导,获得基于热力学碳泵模型的碳捕集最小理想能耗(公式(13)); 3. 通过案例分析,论证热力学碳泵模型相对混合气体分离模型和碳泵模型的理想化程度是否更高(图9),以及其中碳源、汇的无限质容假设是否更接近理想状态.
结论:1. 通过碳泵模型可以得到碳捕集技术的理想能耗,并且碳泵模型相对混合气体分离模型在使用时更便捷. 2. 热力学碳泵模型相对碳泵模型的理想化程度更高;因为忽略碳源、汇由传质引起的不可逆性,热力学碳泵模型计算所得最小理想能耗比碳泵模型计算所得理想能耗更小. 3. 通过热力学碳泵模型分析直接空气碳捕集技术表明,其最小理想能耗是相同反应条件下烟气处理技术的4.916倍.


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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