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Ye Tian


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2020 Vol.21 No.8 P.663-672


Experimental investigation on flame stabilization of a kerosene-fueled scramjet combustor with pilot hydrogen

Author(s):  Wen Shi, Ye Tian, Wan-zhou Zhang, Wei-xin Deng, Fu-yu Zhong, Jia-ling Le

Affiliation(s):  China Aerodynamic Research and Development Center, Mianyang 621000, China

Corresponding email(s):   tianye@cardc.cn

Key Words:  Scramjet, Flame stabilization, Pilot hydrogen, Kerosene, Supersonic combustion

Wen Shi, Ye Tian, Wan-zhou Zhang, Wei-xin Deng, Fu-yu Zhong, Jia-ling Le. Experimental investigation on flame stabilization of a kerosene-fueled scramjet combustor with pilot hydrogen[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2020, 21(8): 663-672.

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%T Experimental investigation on flame stabilization of a kerosene-fueled scramjet combustor with pilot hydrogen
%A Wen Shi
%A Ye Tian
%A Wan-zhou Zhang
%A Wei-xin Deng
%A Fu-yu Zhong
%A Jia-ling Le
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
%V 21
%N 8
%P 663-672
%@ 1673-565X
%D 2020
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.A1900565

T1 - Experimental investigation on flame stabilization of a kerosene-fueled scramjet combustor with pilot hydrogen
A1 - Wen Shi
A1 - Ye Tian
A1 - Wan-zhou Zhang
A1 - Wei-xin Deng
A1 - Fu-yu Zhong
A1 - Jia-ling Le
J0 - Journal of Zhejiang University Science A
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SP - 663
EP - 672
%@ 1673-565X
Y1 - 2020
PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.A1900565

flame stabilization in a kerosene-fueled scramjet combustor was investigated experimentally through Schlieren, flame luminosity, and wall pressure measurement, aiming to obtain better insight into combustion characteristics. Experiments were conducted in a direct-connected supersonic combustion facility with inflow conditions of Mach number 2.0, stagnation pressure 0.82 MPa, and temperature 950 K, simulating the flight condition of Mach number 4.0. Results revealed that kerosene was able to be ignited when the equivalence ratio of pilot hydrogen reached 0.080, but was unsuccessful when the equivalence ratio was 0.040. Once ignited, the intense combustion induced high back pressure forcing the flame to spread into the isolator. The pilot flame invariably appeared in the cavity shear layer and attached to the cavity ramp under different equivalence ratios of pilot hydrogen. With the mass flux of pilot hydrogen increased, the kerosene flame located near the cavity ramp was asymmetrical and unstable since it propagated upstream repeatedly. Therefore, the kerosene could be ignited by a suitable equivalence ratio of continuous pilot hydrogen, potentially accompanied with unstable combustion.


目的:1. 在模拟飞行马赫数4.0条件下,通过直连实验研究先锋氢当量比对煤油燃料冲压发动机点火及稳焰的影响; 2. 通过多种非接触光学测量手段研究超燃冲压发动机内燃烧流场的结构变化和火焰建立等动态过程.
创新点:1. 通过直连实验发现,适量提高先锋氢当量比有利于发动机点火,且先锋氢的存在是发动机稳燃的前提; 2. 得到了超燃发动机点火及燃烧不稳定特征的流场.
方法:1. 通过直连实验,得到监测点压力动态变化数据并对其进行分析(图4和5); 2. 通过光学测量手段,观测流场及火焰动态变化过程(图6~12).
结论:1. 当先锋氢当量比为0.080时,煤油燃料超燃冲压发动机成功点火; 当先锋氢当量比为0.040时,点火失败; 当先锋氢关闭后,超燃冲压发动机熄火. 2. 煤油火焰主要集中于凹槽后缘斜坡且结构是非对称的; 燃烧是不稳定的且伴随着反复的前后移动.

关键词:超燃冲压发动机; 火焰稳定性; 先锋氢; 煤油; 超声速燃烧

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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